Pinau Character in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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In the history of the Mu'o'a, few figures loom as large as Pinau, the great warrior and navigator who led the Mu'o'a people to the island of Motu. His deeds and exploits are the stuff of legend, and his name is still revered among his people to this day.

Pinau was born into a Mu'o'a family on a boat, far to the west and south of the Great Ring in the Hema Sea. At this time, the Mu'o'a were wanderers, having been driven out of their homeland in Trano by political divisions. They scraped a living from the small and barren islands of the far southwest.

From a young age, Pinau showed a remarkable talent for navigation and the arts of war. He would often go out to sea with his father, who was a fisherman, and he quickly became adept at reading the stars and the currents.

As he grew older, Pinau's talent for navigation and his bravery in battle caught the attention of the Mu'o'a chiefs, who saw in him a potential leader. He was given the task of leading a group of warriors to defend his village against raiders from a neighboring island, and he succeeded in driving them off.

The most famous story of Pinau's life is the voyage to the island of Motu. After years of wandering and struggling to survive, Pinau decided to seek out a new land for his people. He explored the Hema Sea and found Motu after a long and arduous journey, and then returned to lead his people to this new land.

For many months, Pinau and his crew sailed across the treacherous seas, facing storms, hunger, and thirst. They braved sea monsters and hostile tribes, and they navigated through the unknown waters using only the stars and their intuition.

Finally, after many trials and tribulations, they reached the island of Motu. It was a lush and fertile land, and Pinau knew that his people could thrive there. He led the Mu'o'a people to Motu, and they settled there, building a new home for themselves. Only when they returned in force did they discover the monstrous Loloto waiting. Pinau led the Mu'o'a in a great battle that ended in the burning of Vaituloto Lolo, where the Loloto hatched their young. Victorieous, the Mu'o'a became the undisputed rulers of Motu.

Pinau's legacy is still felt among the Mu'o'a people. He is revered as a great warrior and navigator, a hero who led his people to a new land and ensured their survival. His name is invoked in times of hardship and struggle, and his deeds are celebrated in songs and stories.

Today, the island of Motu is a thriving center of Mu'o'a culture, and it owes its existence to the bravery and skill of Pinau. His spirit lives on in the hearts of his people, and his legend will continue to inspire generations to come.


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