Clan Mhoire Organization in The Million Islands | World Anvil
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Clan Mhoire (kʰl̪ˠaun̪ˠ ˈvɔɾʲə)

Clan Mhoire is the clan of the Dòbhran Selkies who own and control the island of Shag in the Arcaibh Islands. It is one of the oldest and most respected of the Dòbhran clans, and Shag serves as a winter rookery for over a dozen families that are a part of the clan.

The clan has its home base in the village of Clach, where the permanent residents of Shag live. During the summer, the village is nearly abandoned, as nearly every member of the clan is living out on the floes. But during the winter, the island becomes crowded with the members of Clan Mhoire, both in the village and in winter homes further afield.

The Clan is blessed with a patron Ellyll in the ascended Eidolon of Mhoire, the founder of the clan. She is the genius loci of the village of Clach, and is constantly caring for the Clan as she cared for her family when she was alive. While her physical presence is limited to observation, she is aware of everything going on within the village and remembers the entire history of the clan. She is an invaluable resource to the clan's matriarch, Agnes NicMhoire, who learned the history of the clan from her as a child.


Clan Mhoire was founded shortly after the transformation of its members into Selkies. Initially, the clan was simply Mhoire and her children, who lived on a single floe and sheltered on the island of Shag during the harsh winters. Mhoire was a clever leader, who was able to take advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves, and soon their family grew as her daughters married and had children of their own. They defended Shag from the Eyjamaður raiders, and formed an alliance with other clans to drive the pirates from their base atop Druim Fuilteach on Shag. In the years since then, they've prospered and grown, and are looked up to by the other clans of the Arcaibh Islands.

Geopolitical, Clan
Controlled Territories
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