The Fumbling Horde and the Scabbard Building / Landmark in The Mellow Moon | World Anvil

The Fumbling Horde and the Scabbard

You make your way through the town of Faypass until you come to an inn, which is called The Fumbling Horde and the Scabbard, a spacious shabby terra cotta inn with a red shingled roof that the locals know best for its warmth inside.   The Fumbling Horde and the Scabbard is clearly a converted house; you can see that a bathroom was originally where the bar is, due to the unmistakable water staining that comes with bathtubs. The tavern is decently hygienic, and fire-lit. A decent looking dagger is mounted to the wall next to the bar. The inn is packed with patrons, and you're pushed to the side as somebody makes for the latrine in a hurry.   Behind the counter is who you would assume to be the bartender, a withered human with a smooth, youthful jawline who is currently playing a card game by herself. You walk up to the bar, and strike up conversation with the woman, who introduces herself as Ximena Cox, the manager of The Fumbling Horde and the Scabbard.   On offer today
There's your standard beers, with the inn specialising in ales, which are allegedly quite good. As far as food is concerned, there's regular fare of beef, pork, and mutton. The house cheese is 1 Copper and is a pale grey, with dark flecks cheese which is somewhat stringy. It smells like a rotting corpse, and tastes rich and creamy.   Menu
Crisped Worm and Potatoes- 3 Copper
Frogs on Skewers- 4 Copper
Green Chili Stew- 3 Copper
Grilled Snake and Macadamia- 3 Copper
Humble Pie (tripe or cow heel)- 2 Copper
Lizard Gruel with Nutbread- 3 Copper
Plain porridge- 2 Copper
Spiced porridge- 3 Copper
Pot of cured meats- 4 Copper
Bacon and Eggs- 7 Copper
Bread and cheese- 3 Copper
Vegetable Stew- 4 Copper
Eggs on toast- 6 Copper
Honeybread- 3 Copper
Greenspear- 3 Copper
Baked potatoes- 3 Copper
Catch of the Day fish, served with lemon- 1 Silver 2 Copper
Barbecued Gopher Legs- 7 Copper
Bog-Beetle Dumplings- 4 Copper
Bread-bowl stew- 6 Copper
Leg of Mutton and eggs- 7 Copper
Mushroom Stew with Bread- 6 Copper
Rabbit and Baked Pumpkin- 7 Copper
Roseapple pie- 3 Copper
Squash and Fish Soup- 9 Copper
Broiled Salmon and Potatoes- 3 Silver 3 Copper
Cheese Pie and Onion Soup- 2 Silver 8 Copper
Grilled Wild Boar Chops- 3 Silver 9 Copper
Baked Loin of Pork with Gravy- 6 Silver 2 Copper
Beef Steak and Kidney Pie- 8 Silver 7 Copper
Pecan Pie- 3 Silver 9 Copper
Buffaloaf and Honeyed Corn- 7 Silver 8 Copper
Elven Bread- 6 Silver 7 Copper
Honey Braised Boar Ribs- 9 Silver 4 Copper
Pork Chop and Curds- 1 Gold 2 Copper
Rack of Lamb Platter- 1 Gold 5 Copper
  Tavern Entertainment
A palm reader has set up a booth in the corner of the tavern. He is currently reading the palm of a grumpy looking dwarf.   Arm Wrestling
A withered woman with long curly hair and vulnerably elderly human with strong, square shoulders sit across from each other, their right arms' elbow on the table, holding each others hand in their palm. A referee counts down from three, and as soon as he shouts 'go'!, the two start straining against each other, fighting to push the other's hand down through sheer force of will.   Accommodation
The Fumbling Horde and the Scabbard has 3 available rooms, which are spacious and hygienic. Because this inn is priced for poor patrons, it will cost 1 Silver to stay here for the night.
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