Freebrook Temple of Alté Building / Landmark in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Freebrook Temple of Alté

Ahead of you and right beside the Domiel Road is a small, wooden building with a steep roof.   By the wooden diamond found above the door, you recognize it as a Temple. Some glass windows allow a little light to shine into the temple, and it has a pair of large wooden doors, inscribed with an old prayer.   Inside the temple, the light shines on the far wall, where you see two large tables. There are several rows of benches that fill up the space of the temple, with a pedestal and a podium just in front of the tables, facing towards the benches. In these benches are a few pilgrims or devout people, praying under their breath. A pair of pilgrims are talking with the priest near the tables.   The images on the tables are the four gods of the Imperial Temple. The table to your left contains the image of Alté surrounded by waves, and many candles are lit under Her image. On the other side of the same table is Kiral, the Smith, hard at work on His anvil. The other table on your right has Etheric riding His golden horse, the Sun, and Tros, waving His wand into a forest of trees.


The building is built of Copselin wood, which was significantly cheaper back when it was first constructed. There are words carved into the wood that makes up the large double doors, which are from the Prayer for the Bereaved in the Book of Alté in The Étak Writings. It says, in Common Gratic:  
prókti, tala tisin kanoltén   baraldisin kén tikin zirúlin zakina.   kis alté túses kisik degedé,   né zé faré klai túses anéni.
Translation: May all your sorrows become   Lost beneath the waves.   I, Alté, will bring them into Me   And you will be free from them.
  Like many small temples of its sort, it is made in the shape of a diamond. The two sides across from the doors contain the four shrines to Etheric, Tros, Alté and Kiral, with short benches in between containing rows of seats for the faithful. The priest, Varen Parlése by name, will be here unless he has urgent business elsewhere, talking to the handful of pilgrims in the temple.


The temple was dedicated to Alté as many that came here fled sorrow and grief in the wake of the Great Drought of 93 II . Varen Parlése's own grandfather was one of these people, and his devotion to Alté led him to build the temple. Ever since its construction, the temple has been bolstered and funded by the hundreds of pilgrims that pass by each year on their way to the Gratic City Temple of Etheric.   Geort Adanar of the Drakeslayers prayed at this temple multiple times while the group was stationed in Freebrook in 182 II .
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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