Kiral Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Lord of Smiths, The Hammerer

"In the last days of the End Wars, Kiral Himself will ride into the fray. He will carry the Axe of Doom while astride a grey horse, killing all those whose cowardice displeases Him. All of the armies of the world will cease to fight, for He will end their conflict by taking the brave into heaven...   As the last few rays of sunlight hit the world, Kiral, in His mercy, will come among what few people remain, and He will raise them up into heaven: the smiths, the armourers, the tradespeople, and all those who work with their hands. For they are His kind, and those men and women will dwell in His part of the heavens for ever."   ~The Étak Writings, the Book of Devastation

Divine Domains

Crafts, Trades, Warfare

Holy Books & Codes

The Étak Writings, particularly the Book of Kiral.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An anvil, a hammer, an axe

Tenets of Faith

Devout followers of Kiral are commonly tradespeople, and Kiral advises them to become the best in their craft as a service to Him. Others are soldiers, and He commands them to fight bravely in His name and to never shirk a fight that impugns His honour.


Every Day of Kiral and Day of Making is dedicated to him.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Bolstering the courage of soldiers on the battlefield.
  • Patronizing the arts and crafts of the common people.
  • The raising and education of heroes - this is why the Book of Kiral is that of heroes.
  • Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Kiral is usually depicted as a burly man wielding a hammer. Other depictions show Him with blackened skin or carrying an anvil to demonstrate His strength.
    Divine Classification
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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