Dómaté Dat Character in The Magic Multiverse | World Anvil
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Dómaté Dat

At the desk, there is a man reading. He has a pair of spectacles in front of his dark, squinty eyes. He clearly hasn't shaved recently, as little bits of fuzz break out all across his face. With a sudden jolt, he realizes that you are there, and you can see his hand shaking a little as he puts the book down on the desk and looks over to you. You can now see that he is wearing a grey and black shirt with a pair of grey trousers, making his skin seem even paler than it already is.   "Oh, um, greetings." he stutters out as he focuses on each of you. "I do hope you have an appointment with the M-M-Magistrate and I haven't just forgot-t-ten you."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dómaté is a pale man of weak physical strength, having to spend much of his days writing at a desk. Long nights writing by candlelight has begun to take his toll on his eyesight, leading to him wearing glasses. When he gets nervous, he begins to shake a little.

Body Features

His skin is very pale from his lack of outside work, and much of it is now going to fat from a lack of activity.

Facial Features

He often has a bit of fuzz on his face as he is horrible at shaving properly and often cannot be bothered to do it. His features are very angular, betraying some Lintin ancestry quite a distance back.

Identifying Characteristics

He wears a pair of cracked spectacles as his eyesight is beginning to go.

Physical quirks

He sometimes is subject to shaking when he gets nervous.

Apparel & Accessories

Dómaté tries to dress plainly when he can, wearing a grey shirt with a black vest and grey trousers. He does have a small ring on his finger, a gift from his father.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dómaté is the son of a carpenter, born in Frelg, but due to his keen intellect found his way into a public basic school. Here, he learned how to read and write, among other things, and soon discovered his love of reading and writing. Instead of the usual military service in his eighteenth year, he worked in the civil service, organizing tax codes and various imperial documents in The Library of Records. There, he made the acquaintance of a certain Pral Dakkéri, the descendant of an exiled Hayim noble, who gave him employment dictating letters and correspondence. A couple of years ago, he got better pay and a quieter life as a scribe to Ignelsio Fardaker of Freebrook.   He has met the Drakeslayers, having ushered them into the Magistrate's office on a pair of occasions.


  • His education as a child was mostly in reading and writing, but he also learned some religious lore, history, geography, and even a bit about magic (although he is personally unable to use it).
  • His various jobs have given him great knowledge of the intricacies of Gratic tax codes and the work of a scribe.
  • Employment

  • He has worked extensively as a scribe, doing dictation, writing reports and correspondence, and reading extensively.
  • He has worked in the Library of Records in Gratic City.
  • A few times, his time with Pral Dakkéri exposed him to the politics of The Gratic Empire.
  • Mental Trauma

    He suffers from a very minor depression, so he may come across as a bit lifeless or having low self-esteem.

    Intellectual Characteristics

    Dómaté has a keen mind, having been nurtured for it in his youth and made good use of it throughout his adult life. He has a good grasp on logic and rhetoric and enjoys puzzles and being organized.

    Morality & Philosophy

    He is a model citizen, having provided many services to the Empire over the years with nary a complaint about his treatment. This is because he truly believes in the rule of law, abhorring violence and criminal activity. Because of this, he would never do anything illegal and he would be very likely to report any illegal activity he sees.


  • He is a believer of many superstitions, trying to make sure that his life is running as smoothly as possible.
  • Personality Characteristics


    Dómaté is interested in becoming a great novelist someday, although his current job and physical condition make that less of a possibility with each passing day.   A pipe dream for him to travel to the edges of the Empire and maybe even further, although he admits that that is unlikely at this point in his life.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • An incredibly fast writer, which has come in handy with his various jobs.
  • He is incredibly awkward in social interactions, preferring to not talk unless spoken to.
  • Likes & Dislikes

  • He likes reading and writing, especially writing fiction and learning about faraway lands.
  • Dómaté will not tolerate law-breaking or general rudeness, although he won't voice this aloud unless prompted.
  • Virtues & Personality perks

  • He keeps to himself mostly and doesn't tend to engage in gossip.
  • A love of learning, which has helped him throughout his life.
  • Vices & Personality flaws

  • He is very shy and has low self-esteem, preferring to not get involved in conversation.
  • Personality Quirks

    He gets a little shaky when nervous, and sometimes that extends to his speech.


    He tries to keep himself clean to please his master, but he is not a good shaver and doesn't get a bath as often as he would like.


    Contacts & Relations

    Although he did not part with him on good terms, he could get in contact with Pral Dakkéri again if the need arises. He is also well known to record-keepers at the Library of Records.

    Family Ties

    His father still practices carpentry in Frelg, although his mother has gone missing.

    Religious Views

    Dómaté is a little more religious than most people, as he goes to services without fail every other day. He can often be heard praying openly, although he isn't one to cause a scene in this way.

    Social Aptitude

    He is incredibly shy and awkward in public, lacking a significant confidence in himself.

    Hobbies & Pets

  • He wants to become a famous writer, writing extensively without telling much of anyone.
  • He also reads voraciously, particularly interested in faraway lands and tales of magic.
  • Speech

    He has a very shaky voice, even when he isn't too nervous.

    Wealth & Financial state

    Scribes in the Empire do rather well for themselves, and Dómaté is no exception to this. He has a reasonably good house in the town centre, although the place is littered with books from his work and journals that he has written in and over. He keeps most of his money in his pouch on his person.
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    1982 CE
    Current Residence
    Dark brown and a little squinty.
    Short and greying from a dark brown.
    5' 8" (about 6 handspans).
    133 lbs. (402 IS's).
    Known Languages
    He speaks Common Gratic fluently and can read and write Hayimic, although his pronunciation of it is horrible.
    Art Credit: emperorcharlesii (me!)

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