Torchguard Settlement in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil


A major lighthouse to mark the location for visiting Aldasan ships, it is also a garrison where other island nations can keep soldiers and sailors to ensure they have an eye on major events involving the eastern continent.


Military age people from all across The Coil


While run by military leaders of Caia, close diplomatic relations and cooperation is expected between officials of other island's militaries


A massive walled keep, pointed with a large lighthouse at the coast


Built originally to guide expedition ships home after many were lost trying to find what lied to the east (it isn't known if they broke upon contact with the Deridah that surrounded Aldas for many years, or didn't make it due to other reasons). After contact was finally made, this became a major landmark for ships finding their way to Aray. Many treaties have been signed here, and in the interest of diplomacy with the other islands, they have opened their doors for military officials from across The Coil to garrison troops here to keep an eye on goings on with the east.


  • Torchguard
Outpost / Base
Location under


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