Javak Opaleye Character in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

Javak Opaleye

Javak grew up as an Elf-Fey in Bastion and found employment in the quickly expanding Waterfront Industries transportation division. After their collapse, he naturally fell into service with Nimbus Industries and due to the chaos and need for skilled pilots, he was able to secure himself a position as a boat captain.   He had substantial wealth accumulated throughout his life and even paid a contract with Enigma Futuristics to secure him a Soulforged body in the event of his death; which ultimately happened when his ship was beset by pirates in The Coil in 229.   His request was filled and he was reborn as a soulforged. In the coming years he was able to secure himself the coveted spot as an airship captain. He operated the Liberation 4-B with Izida as his engineer as a major transport to and from Crow's Fort for several years before the The Heroes of Crow's Fort hired him for their escape from the Mindflayer Dagoruk.
Year of Birth
181 ARLH 95 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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