Arcane Magic Spell in The Library of Dekash | World Anvil

Arcane Magic


Arcane magic is the discipline of understanding how magic flows and is channeled and using specific components to accomplish desired effects. Be them staves, magic powder, wands, ingredients, specific hand motions, or words spoken (though spoken words would technically fall under the category of Tonal Magic, words are often supplementary components of Arcane spells). This magic is very non-demanding of a user's magical Spark as most of the energy comes from outside sources. Arcane magic is the purview of classical wizards devoting their lives to study and their spellbooks, and alchemists learning the specifics of ingredients of the world and what effects they have.


Appearance is based off of the materials used. Magic dust looks like dust explosions, magic channeled with staves shoot from the tip of the staff, a potion has the effects it's made with, etc.


Famous Archanists include Adam Faera, Thaler, Roderic Gaspard, Finch, and Aria Luxord


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