Seven Dragon Eggs

Seven Dragon Eggs

A Dragon's Soul: Chapter 6

Written & Illustrated by: Rick Merriman
Time passed.  
Dreaming of Dragons by Rick Merriman
With that time, and with the natural ways of things, Kellium became with child and laid her first eggs. Not just one, but seven in total. Kalos flew to Mirdoren the very next day where the Gods and Goddesses lived in the heavens. Here the delighted father strutted around like a peacock. To all he met the dragon would proudly rasp, “Kellium egg, seven have. Each one, for the God good only  On each saying, all seven Goddesses smiled, congratulated him, and laughed at the classification as it was obvious Kalos thought the “Good Gods” were those who were female, and his sister-wife Kellium had laid one egg for each of them.   The male Gods were not quite as pleased with how the Dragon made his classifications. Barak was furious and despite his charm and charisma, it was obvious to all. It is thought by those familiar with various religious texts that this was the very first time the females, who eventually were to become The Mothers, and Champions of “good,” were singled out from the males, who would eventually become The Fathers, and the perpetrators of “evil.”  
Dragon Egg by Rick Merriman
With seven new Dragon eggs, Barak knew that soon there would be even more Dragons to consume Siberlee’s and the other Goddesses' time. It was time for his plan, for as history has shown, Barak always had a plan.   The God, who would one day be known as The Father of Darkness, waited until a night where not one, but both of Mernac’s moons completely were waned. This celestial condition is thought to be the very first Voidis in Mernac’s History.   He needed assistance for the plan, so Barak chose his brother Roadius, who would one day become the Father of Humor and Mischief, patron to the Gnome Race, to help him.

Legends TOC

Series Forward

(In Chronological order)

Acknowledgments and Thankyous
Forward: The Birth of Writing
Prolog: The First Scribe

History is Studied
Book 1: Siberlee's Good

Book 1: Siberlee's Good

#01 - On The Matter of Good
#02 - In the Beginning
#03 - The Two Moons of Mernac
#04 - The First Chandralee
#05 - A Gift for the Gods
#06 - Of Light and Life
#07 - The Mother of Nature
#08 - Controlling the Light
#09 - Only on Chandralee
#10 - He Came with the Wind
#11 - The Ethereal Elements
#12 - The First Quarrel
#13 - Measurements of the Gods
#14 - The Beginning of Change
#15 - The Seed of Jealousy
#16 - The Coming of Traejen
#17 - The First Forgiveness
#18 - Child Gods
#19 - A Test of Good
#20 - The Decision of Good

Time Passes
Book 2: Barak's Control

Book 1: Barak's Control

#21 - Hidden in the Mist


Book 3: A Dragon's Soul

#37 - The First Dragon
#38 - On the Matter of Souls
#39- The Eternal Quest
#40 - A Dragon is Born
#41 - Evil: It started with Jealousy
#42 - Seven Dragon Eggs
#43 - The First Murder
#44 - Dragon Fire
#45 - Confronting Your Gods
#46 - Truth: A Dragon's Magic
#47 - They were Sheep not Gods
#48 - A Dragon's Truth
When Circa 7000 BM
Seed: Evil: It started with Jealousy
Story Type: Legend
Story: ©Rick Merriman
Art: ©Rick Merriman


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