The Mothers and the Fathers Myth in The Legends of Mernac | World Anvil

The Mothers and the Fathers

The Gods of Mernac


  Not even the mighty Fire Dragon, Kalos knows how The One and The Other came into being, and that majestic creature knows more truth than all the combined Sages in Mernac. It is, however, known that they created 20 Gods to enjoy and marvel at the wondrous world they had created. It is even suspected these 20 Gods were really their children, but only Kalos would know this for sure, and he has never spoken on that matter.   Of the 20 Gods, there were two who were the brightest and most charismatic, and they naturally became the leaders: Siberlee and Barak. For millennia, these two ruled the Gods and Mernac in unison with great mercy, charity, and order. It is thought that they may have been lovers, as one was never seen without the other. The two respected each other, and loved each other - for each of them had qualities the other did not possess and each made the other joyful. Under their combined rule, Mernac prospered and grew. All was well, until the advent of Man.

A Crippling Desire

Siberlee With Child by Rick Merriman
Siberlee had wanted to have children, but for many millennia this did not come to pass. It is said that being overly melancholy about her inability to have a child, Siberlee left the heavens and descended to Mernac to live with the creatures and beasts, for there were not yet races with souls on Mernac. Siberlee went to the creatures and beasts that she and the other gods created to love them, to nurture them, to try and fill the hole that was in her childless soul.   Barak was devastated to be alone without Siberlee for the first time in eternity. His loss almost drove him to leave this plane, but the other Gods who had remained in the heavens, and loved him dearly, consoled and distracted him until they devised a plan so that Siberlee would return to them all.   The 19 remaining gods knew that the only way Siberlee would return was if she could have a child. Though the powers of the Gods were mighty, even in those times, they did not yet have the power to create life with a soul - only the combined powers of The One and The Other could do that in that lost time. The Gods could not even ask, for The One only spoke through and to Siberlee, just as it is to this day. Siberlee had hidden herself well, somewhere deep in the jungles of the Tian Islands and her magic was so strong she could be found by none.

Excerpt From "The First God"

In the earliest of times, before the creation of man, and for nearly a millennium after that, Siberlee divided her time equally between a simple life on Mernac, and being the queen of the Gods in Mirorden. After her sister Kanola was captured by the Fathers and given to Barak as a prize, Siberlee and all the Mothers were forbidden by The One to freely roam Mernac, save on Chandralee, that rare time when not one, but both of Mernac’s Moons, are full in the evening sky.

With so little time on Mernac, the Goddess became disconnected from the world she created, so Siberlee found numerous ways to remain aware of the important happenings on Mernac. The most common of these is to disguise herself as an old hag. Throughout much of the lore of Mernac one will find references to “the old woman of the woods.” Most scholars agree this is Siberlee in disguise, or maybe her spirit inhabiting some willing participant.  

The Ultimate Sacrifice

To overcome this, the remaining Gods determined that each of them must sacrifice a part of themselves and combine it together to create a life and the child that Siberlee so desired. Each provided that part of themselves they felt was the most important to them, which explains why The Mothers and The Fathers, even today, are each missing a part of their earth-bound bodies. Kanola gave her ears, though music was her passion. Kala her heart, though love was the most important thing to her, Elsen gave his legs, though wandering and running was his obsession, and so forth through all 19 of the gods, save Barak. In the Seasons that were to follow these became known as The Divine Sacrifices.   Barak knew that even with all the parts that the other Gods had contributed it would not be enough. The most important part was still missing. The Soul. For the Gods to be successful Barak would need to sacrifice his soul.   It is written that this is the first Decision of Good to ever be made - a decision of doing what is thought to serve a greater good, regardless of the consequences. Barak made the decision quickly, for his love of Siberlee was great. The result was the creation of Man on Bella 1st in the first year of recorded history.

The Divine Sacrifices

  • Sola – eyes, though light and sight were most dear to her
  • Kala – heart, though love that originate from the heart is her passion
  • Kanola – ears, though music and the ability to hear it is what makes her whole
  • Dulan – Womb, though like Siberlee her desire is to have children
  • Witriss – hair, Etc. Etc.
  • Terees – memory; part of capacity to learn quickly (Hence Terees’s penchant for keeping lists on everything)
  • Barak – Soul
  • Elsen – legs
  • Roadius – one eye, one ear, thumbs and first 2 finger of each hand
  • Quont – manhood (genitals)
  • Werk – limbs
  • Tellen – compassion
  • Bu – blood
  • Trajen – face and skin
  • Gorb – muscles
  • Abuba – bones
  • Tul – throat and neck
  • Picu – liver
  • Linthur – nose, sense of smell

Hellish Consummation

Siberlee was immediately consumed with love for her child, the Race of Man. So consumed that she barely realized the terrible changes that had occurred in Barak. For any beast or creature without a soul, even though it be a God, is a dangerous and needful creature. The once happy and joyous Barak became sullen and resentful. He was not evil, at that time, but he was empty, for where does one store the love and goodness that sustains life if one is without a soul?   For Barak, there now was no place, and the cavity that once held one of the most beautiful souls any of the Planes had ever seen was slowly filling with dark emotions. With none of the joyous emotions that give balance to a being he quickly sank into that godless abyss of self-pity that always leads to evil.

Excerpt from "Barak's Control"

In the early times, I was not sure what The Other meant by control. Though he spent a millennium schooling me in how without control there is always chaos, that without guiding all creature, mortal or not, is required for continued existence, I do not think I truly began to understand until after Siberlee and I created Traejen. For many millennia, I thought that my full awareness of ‘control’ came with the creation of Quont, the God of Fertility. Further in these scrolls you will see why, but in retrospect I know it was when we created Traejen. Foolish as my lover was, and is still for that matter, Siberlee never quite understood that it was she and I that created our Brothers and Sisters. She thought it was some divine intervention, destiny, providence or other such nonsense those of the Light tend to believe in. Nay, I tell you, it was simply a matter of control. My Control!
Read: Barak's Control
With Gods, just as with Man, if there is one in a group with a strong emotion, the emotion spreads with the speed of tallow weeds in a meadow during spring. The strongest dark emotion that consumed Barak was jealousy, though that word, or its meaning, was not yet known. Jealousy that his beloved Siberlee dedicated so much of her time to her new child, The Race of Man. Jealousy of how much love she showed them. Jealousy that it was, in fact, his spirit which had been used for the souls buried in the Race of Man; the remnants of his soul in these strange new creatures that Siberlee really loved.   And as it came to pass, this jealousy spread, and many of the other Gods also began to feel strong resentment for this unique thing that only Siberlee had.  

"The Race of Man"

Humans eventually became one of the more prolific races in Mernac and can be found on almost all continents and islands throughout the world. According to non-human legend this is because they are less well equipped to survive than the other races, so the gods tried placing them on Mernac many different times, each in a different locations, in order to help them survive and eventually thrive. This explains why there is such a diversity of Humans with all different colors of skin, hair, size, and body shapes. Even with all the different places Humans were placed and different body styles, in most cases Humans still did not thrive in the world of Mernac. Why the gods persevered with such a failing race is not known by any race. However, it was so. The gods tried to create a successful mixture with other creatures to improve their chance of survival , which is where several races and countless creatures originated, such as the Furs, Centaurs, and Mermen.

Creation of the Races

It is suspected by those who have studied the words of Kalos that this strife even affected The One and The Other. The One, was ecstatic that Siberlee was so happy. The Other, however, was not pleased with the fact that it was now Siberlee who was garnering all the praise and attention of his other Gods, let alone the complete adoration of any born to the Race of Man. However, The One and The Other did agree on one thing: that the jealousy growing daily among the Gods must cease.   Together, they worked through a 100 moon's cycle to create 19 more races, one for each of the remaining Gods. The completion of these creations was timed so that it would be complete at the time when not one, but both of Mernac’s moons were full on the same night. It was on this night that they gave these new races to their children as a gift. With this gift came responsibility. The responsibility of developing and protecting the souls of all those born to the race to which each God became a patron or matron.

Brewing Trouble

For near 600 seasons, each of the 20 Gods were happy and busy placing members of the race of which they were the patron or matron in different locations throughout Mernac's diverse geography. However, even though the Gods were happy, the conflict that had begun between The One and The Other grew steadily more intense.   The conflict centered on how to best protect and develop the new races that were populating their world. The Other, felt that these new creatures should be guided and controlled, told how to best live and survive in Mernac. The One, however, believed in free will and what she called The Decision of Good, that each race must be left to their own devices and she believed that ultimately, they would find the best way to live, based on their own decisions.

The Matter of Choice

The Battle of "The Matter of Choice" as documented in the Book of Tennor festered as an infected wound and the love between them evaporated into a scab of pain and resentment. To bolster their positions, both The One and The Other began to recruit the 20 Gods into their opposing camps on this matter. All that know of this tale, know this is what led to the ‘Dissention of the Gods’ era as is documented in the Book of Govy, and ultimately led to The Other, and seven of the Gods being cast out of the heavens on the glorious day that would be known as Libertesious, on Bella 1st 666.   It is on this day that whatever evil and pettiness existed in the Heavens was cast out, forever being chained to the depths of the underworld or to wander aimlessly throughout the harshest of Mernac's geography. Even to this day, the Races of the Light consider the number 666 as one to be revered, and this number is considered lucky by all but the most ignorant in Mernac. The Races of the Dark, however, consider the events that occurred in 666 blasphemous, an insult to the power and ultimate destiny of The Other to rule Mernac. It was the beginning of all the wars of Mernac that were to follow for the next 10,000 Seasons.   On the separation of the Gods, these beings came to be known by different titles. The ones remaining loyal to The One became known as The Mothers. The others that followed Barak became known as The Fathers.


The order the Gods were placed on Mernac
Siberlee is the Mother of Nature and all that is Good. With Barak she leads The Mothers and the Fathers. Born a mortal, Siberlee Araf, on Chandralee, she was made a Goddess by The One and gifted Mernac as a world for her and her lover, Barak to build and rule.
Read: Siberlee
Siberlee's Blessings
As is the way of Gods, Siberlee became quite fond of certain things in the world the deities created, and thus, became a Matron to many of them.
    Matron Race: Man
    Matron Class: Tember
    Matron Profession: Scribe
    Matron Religion: Nature's Own
    Matron Moon: Bella
    Matron Day: Allanar

Barak is the Father of Darkness and Neutral Evil. With Siberlee he leads the The Mothers and the Fathers. Born a mortal, Barak Jahannan, on Chandralee, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him and his lover, Siberlee to build and rule.
Read: Barak
Barak's Gifts
As is the way of Gods, Barak became quite fond of certain things in the world the deities created, and thus, became a Patron to many of them.
    Patron Race: Undead
    Patron Class: Kayz
    Patron Profession: Polatik
    Patron Religion: Muraqaba
    Patron Moon: Ennore
    Patron Day: Tavernly

Sola, The Mother of Life and Light by Rick Merriman
Sola is the Mother of Life and Light and was the 3rd God placed on Mernac. She is the Matron Goddess of the Elven Races. It was Sola who created all the creatures and beasts on Mernac under the direction of Siberlee , The Mother of Nature, and she who placed all the shadows and darkenss in the world so the light would have significance under the direction of Barak, The Father of Darkness.
Read: Sola
Sola's Blessings
The Mother of Life and Light. Matriarch of the Elf Race.

    Matron Race: Elves
    Matron Class: Linge
    Matron: Profession: Priest
    Matron Religion: Children of the Sun
    Matron Moon: Teevil
    Matron Day: Entheas

Elsen, The Father of Ethereal Elements by Rick Merriman
Elsen is the Father of Ethereal Elements, Neutral and was the 4th God placed on Mernac. He is the Patron God of the Dark Elven Races. Elsen Aether was born a mortal on Frigg and was made a God by The Other.
Read: Elsen
Elsen's Gifts
The Father of the Ethereal Elements. Patriarch of the Dark Elf Race. Elsen was the fourth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Dark Elves
    Patron Class: Moot
    Patron Profession: Scholar
    Patron Religion: Elementism
    Patron Moon: Pazima
    Patron Day: Malduhr

Traejen is the Father of Jealousy and Neutral Neutral. Born a mortal, Traejen Toriff, on Indrani, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Traejen
Traejen's Gifts


The Father of Jealousy. Ptriarch of the Acquill Race. Traejen was the fifth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Acquill
    Patron Class: Sivor
    Patron Profession: Explorer
    Patron Religion: Mirrorism
    Patron Moon: Asyana
    Patron Day: Zinther

Quont by Rick Merriman
Quont is the Father of Lust and Chaotic Evil. Born a mortal, Quont Eros, on Rati, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Quont
Quont's Gifts
The Father Of Lust. Patriarch of the Dark Fae Race. Quont was the sixth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Dark Fae
    Patron Class: Shooz
    Patron Profession: Artisan
    Patron Religion: Shelesha
    Patron Moon: Bruda
    Patron Day: Himple

Kala by Rick Merriman
Kala is the Mother of Love, Desire and Chaotic Good. Born a mortal, Kala Eros, on Rati, she was made a Goddess by The One and gifted Mernac as a world for her to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Kala
Kala's Blessings
The Mother of love and desire. Matriarch of the Merfolk Race. Kala was the seventh God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Merfolk
    Matron Class: Fivor
    Matron Profession: Imbuer
    Matron Religion: Inamorata
    Matron Moon: Alyel
    Matron Day: Thalor

Werk by Rick Merriman
Werk is the Father of Pain, Disease, and Chaotic Evil. Born a mortal, Werk Algos, on Wenshen, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Werk
Werk's Gifts
The Father of Pain and Disease. Patriarch of the Sectis Race. Werk was the eighth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Sectis
    Patron Class: Chonz
    Patron Profession: Alchemist
    Patron Religion: Ekicak
    Patron Moon: Nalore
    Patron Day: Dazma

Abuba by Rick Merriman
Abuba is the Father of Indecision, and Chaotic Neutral. Born a mortal, Abuba Honir, on Ocnus, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Abuba
Abuba's Gifts
The Father of Indecision. Patriarch of the Orc Race. Abuba was the ninth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Orc
    Patron Class: Kozi
    Patron Profession: Merchant
    Patron Religion: Abbas
    Patron Moon: Taesi
    Patron Day: E'hamelle

Tul by Rick Merriman
Tul is the Father of Anger, and Chaotic Evil. Born a mortal, Tul Furor, on Ohder, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Tul
Tul's Gifts
The Father of Anger. Patriarch of the Dabbit Race. Tul was the tenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Dabbits
    Patron Class: Staddler
    Patron Profession: Server
    Patron Religion: Lyssa
    Patron Moon: Maldaar
    Patron Day: Finther

Terees by Rick Merriman
Terees is the Mother of Wisdom, Harmony, and Neutral Good. Born a mortal, Terees Thena, on Kuanin, she was made a Goddess by The One and gifted Mernac as a world for her to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Terees
Terees' Blessings
The Mother of Wisdom and Harmony. Matriarch of the Murmil Race. Terees was the eleventh God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Murmils
    Matron Class: Stunza
    Matron Profession: Truthseeker
    Matron Religion: Secarism
    Matron Moon: Troval
    Matron Day: Smarten

Roadius by Rick Merriman
Roadius is the Father of Mischief, Humor, and Chaotic Neutral. Born a mortal, Roadius Komos, on Lohkee, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Roadius
Roadius' Gifts
The Father of Anger. Patriarch of the Dabbit Race. Roadius was the twelfth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Gnome
    Patron Class: Cungle
    Patron Profession: Builder
    Patron Religion: Dolos
    Patron Moon: Trivo
    Patron Day: Amethrius

Picu by Rick Merriman
Picu is the Father of Excess, and Chaotic Neutral. Born a mortal, Picu Silenus, on Bacchus he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Picu
Picu's Gifts
The Father of Excess. Patriarch of the Giant Race. Picu was the thirteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Giant
    Patron Class: Pilo
    Patron Profession: Craftsmen
    Paton Religion: Indulgence
    Patron Moon: Cylsera
    Patron Day: Roogle

Gorb by Rick Merriman
Gorb is the Father of Greed, and Neutral. Born a mortal, Gorb Mammon, on Plutus, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Gorb
Gorb's Gifts
The Father of Greed. Patriarch of the Ogre Race. Gorb was the fourteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Ogre
    Patron Class: Woozle
    Patron Profession: Entrepreneur
    Patron Religion: Mernal Masters
    Patron Moon: Tropsy
    Patron Day: Gazen

Kanola by Rick Merriman
Kanola is the Mother of Music, Dance and Chaotic Good. Born a mortal, Kanola Mousai, on Nuwa, she was made a Goddess by The One and gifted Mernac as a world for her to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Kanola
Kanola's Blessings
The Mother of Music and Dance. Chaotic Good. Matriarch of the Faerie Race.
    Matron Race: Faeries
    Matron Class: Hundar
    Matron Profession: Scribe
    Matron Religion: Divine Art
    Matron Moon: Bella
    Matron Day: Allanar

Tellen by Rick Merriman
Tellen is the Father of War, and Lawful Evil. Born a mortal, Tellen Ares, on Guandi, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Tellen
Tellen's Gifts
The Father of War. Patriarch of the Troll Race. Tellen was the sixteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Troll
    Patron Class: Tazen
    Patron Profession: Soldier
    Patron Religion: Perses
    Patron Moon: Anore
    Patron Day: Garom

BU by Rick Merriman
BU is the Father of Death, Destruction, and Chaotic Evil. Born a mortal, BU Perses, on Abbadon, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: BU
BU's Gifts
The Father of Death and Destruction. Patriarch of the Azeman Race. BU was the seventeenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Azeman
    Patron Class: Mortem
    Patron Profession: Watcher
    Patron Religion: Muerte
    Patron Moon: Serin
    Patron Day: Moroven

Dulan by Rick Merriman
Dulan is the Mother of Healing, Compassion, and Lawful Good. Born a mortal, Dulan Panacea, on Cainte, she was made a Godddess by The One and gifted Mernac as a world for her to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Dulan
Dulan's Blessings
The Mother of healing and compassion. Matriarch of The Fur Race. Dulan was the eighteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Furs
    Matron Class: Menk
    Matron Profession: Commoner
    Matron Religion: Inner Peace
    Matron Moon: Clina
    Matron Day: Gilmore

Linthur by Rick Merriman
Linthur is the Father of Revenge, and Lawful Evil. Born a mortal, Linthur Petbe, on Diti, he was made a God by The Other and gifted Mernac as a world for him to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Linthur
Linthur's Gifts
The Father of Revenge. Patriarch of the Wookalar Race. Linthur was the nineteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Wooklar
    Patron Class: Trallis
    Patron Profession: Criminal
    Patron Religion: Nemesis
    Patron Moon: Asari
    Patron Day: Torum

Witriss by Rick Merriman
Witriss is the Mother of Strength, Virtue, and Lawful Good. Born a mortal, Witriss Minerva, on Arete, she was made a Goddess by The One) and gifted Mernac as a world for her to build and rule with the other Gods and Goddesses.
Read: Witriss
Witriss' Blessings
The Mother of Virtue and Strength. Matriarch of the Dwarf Race. Witriss was the twentieth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Dwarf
    Matron Class: Gingle
    Matron Profession: Miner
    Matron Religion: Seraphim
    Matron Moon: Della
    Matron Day: Boolan


The Mothers

  The Mothers are known to be the leaders of the races of good, sometimes known as the Races of light or the Races of Man.


The Mother of Nature and all that is good. Matriarch to the Race of Man and the Leader of the Mothers. Siberlee was the first God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Man
    Matron Class: Tember
    Matron Profession: Scribe
    Matron Religion: Nature's Own
    Matron Moon: Bella
    Matron Day: Allanar



The Mother of Music and Dance. Chaotic Good. Matriarch of the Faerie Race.

    Matron Race: Faeries
    Matron Class: Hundar
    Matron Profession: Scribe
    Matron Religion: Divine Art
    Matron Moon: Bella
    Matron Day: Allanar



The Mother of Life and Light. Matriarch of the Elf Race.

    Matron Race: Elves
    Matron Class: Linge
    Matron Profession: Priest
    Matron Religion: Children of the Sun
    Matron Moon: Teevil
    Matron Day: Entheas



The Mother of healing and compassion. Matriarch of The Fur Race. Dulan was the eighteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Furs
    Matron Class: Menk
    Matron Profession: Commoner
    Matron Religion: Inner Peace
    Matron Moon: Clina
    Matron Day: Gilmore



The Mother of love and desire. Matriarch of the Merfolk Race. Kala was the seventh God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Matron Race: Merfolk
    Matron Class: Fivor
    Matron Profession: Imbuer
    Matron Religion: Inamorata
    Matron Moon: Alyel
    Matron Day: Thalor



The Mother of Virtue and Strength. Matriarch of the Dwarf Race. Witriss was the twentieth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Dwarf
    Matron Class: Gingle
    Matron Profession: Miner
    Matron Religion: Seraphim
    Matron Moon: Della
    Matron Day: Boolan



The Mother of Wisdom and Harmony. Matriarch of the Murmil Race. Terees was the eleventh God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Matron Race: Murmils
    Matron Class: Stunza
    Matron Profession: Truthseeker
    Matron Religion: Secarism
    Matron Moon: Troval
    Matron Day: Smarten


The Fathers

  The Fathers are known to be the leaders of the Races of Evil, sometimes known as the Races of the Dark or the Races of the Beast.  


The Father of all that is Evil. Also known as The Father of Darkness. Patriarch of The Undead Race. Barak was the second God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Undead
    Patron Class: Kayz
    Patron Profession: Polatik
    Patron Religion: Muraqaba
    Patron Moon: Ennore
    Patron Day: Tavernly



The Father of War. Patriarch of the Troll Race. Tellen was the sixteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Troll
    Patron Class: Tazen
    Patron Profession: Soldier
    Patron Religion: Perses
    Patron Moon: Anore
    Patron Day: Garom



The Father of Death and Destruction. Patriarch of the Azeman Race. BU was the seventeenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Azeman
    Patron Class: Mortem
    Patron Profession: Watcher
    Patron Religion: Muerte
    Patron Moon: Serin
    Patron Day: Moroven



The Father of Pain and Disease. Patriarch of the Sectis Race. Werk was the eighth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Sectis
    Patron Class: Chonz
    Patron Profession: Alchemist
    Patron Religion: Ekicak
    Patron Moon: Nalore
    Patron Day: Dazma



The Father of Anger. Patriarch of the Dabbit Race. Tul was the tenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Dabbits
    Patron Class: Staddler
    Patron Profession: Server
    Patron Religion: Lyssa
    Patron Moon: Maldaar
    Patron Day: Finther



The Father of the Ethereal Elements. Patriarch of the Dark Elf Race. Elsen was the fourth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Dark Elves
    Patron Class: Moot
    Patron Profession: Scholar
    Patron Religion: Elementism
    Patron Moon: Pazima
    Patron Day: Malduhr



The Father of Revenge. Patriarch of the Wookalar Race. Linthur was the nineteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.
    Patron Race: Wooklar
    Patron Class: Trallis
    Patron Profession: Criminal
    Patron Religion: Nemesis
    Patron Moon: Asari
    Patron Day: Torum



The Father Of Lust. Patriarch of the Dark Fae Race. Quont was the sixth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Dark Fae
    Patron Class: Shooz
    Patron Profession: Artisan
    Patron Religion: Shelesha
    Patron Moon: Bruda
    Patron Day: Himple



The Father of Jealousy. Ptriarch of the Acquill Race. Traejen was the fifth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Acquill
    Patron Class: Sivor
    Patron Profession: Explorer
    Patron Religion: Mirrorism
    Patron Moon: Asyana
    Patron Day: Zinther



The Father of Greed. Patriarch of the Ogre Race. Gorb was the fourteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Ogre
    Patron Class: Woozle
    Patron Profession: Entrepreneur
    Patron Religion: Mernal Masters
    Patron Moon: Tropsy
    Patron Day: Gazen



The Father of Indecision. Patriarch of the Orc Race. Abuba was the ninth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Orc
    Patron Class: Kozi
    Patron Profession: Merchant
    Patron Religion: Abbas
    Patron Moon: Taesi
    Patron Day: E'hamelle



The Father of Anger. Patriarch of the Dabbit Race. Roadius was the twelfth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Gnome
    Patron Class: Cungle
    Patron Profession: Builder
    Patron Religion: Dolos
    Patron Moon: Trivo
    Patron Day: Amethrius



The Father of Excess. Patriarch of the Giant Race. Picu was the thirteenth God The One and The Other placed on Mernac.

    Patron Race: Giant
    Patron Class: Pilo
    Patron Profession: Craftsmen
    Paton Religion: Indulgence
    Patron Moon: Cylsera
    Patron Day: Roogle


Articles under The Mothers and the Fathers


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