The legends alliance chronicles Timeline of Verden Timeline
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Timeline of Verden

The known history of the world.

  • 7000 AC

    The War Against Demise

    The greatest war between the gods. Hylia and all peoples of the world wage a war against The Demon King Demise as he attempts to conquer the material plane. Much of the world is devastated. Demise is banished to the outer planes after centuries of fighting.

  • Circa 3600
    The Interlopers are Banished
    Population Migration / Travel

    Evil Hylian sorcerers unite with dissident members of various Gerudo tribes to summon Demise back into the world. They are narrowly defeated by a group of heroes and then banished to the Twilight Realm (Shadowfell), where they become the Twili people.

  • 1000 AC

    Disaster / Destruction

    Clocktown, one of the oldest city-states in the world, is destroyed when Luna Majoris falls from orbit. Various other regions also suffer from impact damage.

    More reading
  • 400 AC

    1 AC

    War of Chaos and Order
    Military action

    A divine war between Diel, the god of order, and Lazu, god of chaos, and all their mortal followers. It took place across the entire continent of Verden.

  • 0 AC

    Sealing of Lazu / Foundation of the Hegemony

    Diel defeats and seals away Lazu, the god of chaos. The holy city of Olimandias begins its quest to unite the people of Verden by pressuring the kingdom of Roslen to form an alliance with them. This marks the birth of the Olimandias Hegemony.

  • 27 PC

    Muldinach Joins Hegemony
    Political event

    Olimandias request that Muldinach join their union with Roslen. Muldinach rejects the offer. Olimandias responds by fabricating documents that show Roslen has a legal claim to Muldinach's territory -- they will not only encourage Roslen to launch an invasion, but also ally with them. Muldinach choose to avoid conflict and joins the Hegemony. But plans to secure itself as its most technologically advanced member nation.

  • 93 PC

    2 /3

    Selena is Born
    Life, Birth

    Selena Garetson is born near Roslen.

  • 96 PC

    27 /1

    Piers is Born
    Life, Birth

    Piers Garetson is born near Roslen.

  • 300 PC

    310 PC

    Classical Domain Collapse

    A great schism occurs in the Hall of Heroes, leading to civil war. The domain collapses due to the war's intensity.   Kakariko Village is conquered by the expanding nation of Unidiel, which annexes all of its former territory.   The next few decades are marked by rapid national expansion and a domain power vacuum.

  • 336 PC

    Rise of the Desert

    The Desert of Mystery is founded, initially populated by the descendants of Kakariko Village, Lady Jaina's Hall of Heroes legions, and Gerudo warriors. They restore the ancient ruins of Ikana Canyon to serve as their base.

  • 350 PC

    Chamber of Sages Founded

    The Chamber of Sages is founded in the northern Tor-Denma Mountains. They are a union of casters and their supporters who did not wish to be bound by Hegemony laws. Many of their founders are former members of Kakariko Village and the Hall of Heroes.

  • 400 PC

    538 PC

    The Innagos War
    Military: War

    The growing power of the Desert of Mystery disrupts the hierarchy of the Innagos region. They launch a war campaign against the Labyrinth, seeking revenge for the destruction of the Hall of Heroes.   The Gerudo tribes fracture, with some supporting the Desert of Mystery and others supporting the Labyrinth. Lanasach and Uradiel engage in the war sporadically over the century it takes place, each hoping to gain additional territory.   The Labyrinth is ultimately successful in defending their territory, but are not capable of destroying the Desert of Mystery. The war ends in a white peace.

  • 405 PC

    Children of the Lost Woods

    The Lost Woods becomes home to a band of raiders, freedom fighters, and wayward warriors. They defend the woods from the Hegemony's invasion attempts.

  • 526 PC

    24 /2

    Kassan is Born
    Life, Birth

    Kassan is born; he is soon adopted and raised by the Labyrinth.

  • 592 PC

    The Forsaken Fortress Appears

    A great floating fortress appears on the Lalvican Sea, led by a mysterious admiral. The Forsaken Fortress unites many pirates under one banner and its walls cannot be breached by conventional cannon fire.

  • 605 PC

    Krud is Born (Estimate)
    Life, Birth

    While Krud's exact birthday is a mystery, it is known that he was born shortly before the Labyrinth was invaded.

  • 610 PC

    The Sundering of Unidiel
    Political event

    On this date, mediators and other agents from Olimandias formally separated the Kingdom of Unidiel into two new nations -- Vanadiel and Uradiel.

  • 610 PC

    The Labyrinth Invaded
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the eve of their planned military campaign against Olimandias, the Labyrinth is invaded by infernal armies.   Chikara Nadir and Selena Nadir are allegedly killed in the surprise first wave of this invasion, leaving Wisp to become the sole ruler. The Labyrinth remains under constant attack to this day, using all their resources to maintain a defense against the forces of hell.

  • 614 PC

    1 /1

    Sornaiid Joins Hegemony
    Political event

    After the The Kingdom of Unidiel falls, Sornaiid enters immediate negotiations to join the Hegemony of their own free will. This allows them to secure favorable trade terms and greater autonomy than most other nations. Sornaiid formally becomes a member of the Hegemony on the first day of 614.

  • 628 PC

    631 PC

    Subjugation of Lanasach
    Military: War

    In a rare show of overt aggression, Olimandias orders all Hegemony forces to attack and subjugate the independent nation of Lanasach. Though they face fierce resistance, the Hegemony has a vastly larger army -- especially now that they have Sornaiid's powerful navy on their side. Lanasach is forced to surrender and loses independence.

  • 667 PC

    14 /1

    Biscus is Born
    Life, Birth

    Biscus is born in the Feywild.

  • 697 PC

    69 /3

    Nôx is Born
    Life, Birth

    Nôx is born in the Twilight Realm.

  • 698 PC

    Gateway Opened to Other Plane
    Discovery, Exploration

    Planar research experts at the Estuvaris Institute in Vanadiel create a gateway to an entirely different plane known as "Earth." They hire an expendable young mercenary named Dante Reyes to explore this other realm. He becomes their main liaison between worlds, establishing himself as an extraplanar trader of illicit goods.   Dante Reyes eventually marries a woman from the other world -- Hart's mother.

  • 700 PC

    6 /3

    Hart is Born
    Life, Birth

    Hart is born in "Texas." Converted to Verden's calendar, this occurs on the 6th of Autumn, year 700.

  • 714 PC

    44 /4

    Talitha is Born
    Life, Birth

    Talitha is born in the Innagos Desert, Kotarai territory.

  • 717 PC

    Archmage Carolus Dies
    Life, Death

    According to historical texts, Carolus was slain by warriors of the Hegemony after years of practicing necromancy.

  • 719 PC

    Tiras Targeted by Zal'saar
    Criminal Activity

    Nôx receives a contract to assassinate his only real friend, Tiras, in Uradiel. He warns Tiras anonymously. Tiras disappears and his fate is unknown.

  • 721 PC

    10 /2

    Uradiel-Gerudo Skirmishes
    Military: Skirmish

    Short sequence of clandestine military actions between the Gerudo and Uradiel. Chieftain Sabiya nai Urborran rescues warriors taken captive by Hegemony knights based in Uradiel.   The uncle of Divine Guardian Ishaak VI responds by marching a rogue battalion into the desert. Sabiya challenges him to an honor duel to avoid a clash of armies, and he is decapitated in ritual battle. Gerudo view it as an honorable kill. Uradiel considers it a great offense.

  • 721 PC

    46 /2

    Chieftain Sabiya Captured
    Criminal Activity

    Chieftain Sabiya nai Urborran is captured and executed by Uradiel with the help of the Zal'saar. Her body is recovered by Shadow Huntresses before it can be destroyed, and she is resurrected by Gerudo clerics.

  • 730 PC

    Kira Awakens
    Life, Identity

    Chikara (later known as "Kira") wakes in the body of recently-murdered sailor Meera Cairthel in the Free City of Hatena.

  • 732 PC

    24 /2

    Campaign Start

    The starting date for the campaign. 24th Day of Summer.

  • 732 PC

    24 /2
    732 PC

    27 /2

    Saving Hatena

    The party meets and rescues an Alliance agent named Kassan from a succubus north of town. They also confront Alleviator Hector Torrin, an agent of Olimandias who seeks to force Hatena to join the Hegemony. The Alleviator is defeated and Hatena remains a free city as a result of the party's actions.

  • 732 PC

    41 /2
    732 PC

    67 /2


    The party arrives in Glenien to help Biscus regain his lost wealth. They take on his former partners, Delenos Montgomery and the singer Desiree. Both are revealed to be warlocks working for a cult devoted to the Scarred Devil. The Scarred Devil is defeated, both warlocks are executed, and Biscus regains his home -- the Brandywine Manor.   Additional: Piers meets his mother, Sarael, who asks him to save his sister from the Labyrinth.   Additional: Hart confronts his old rival from "back home," El Sudario. He seems immensely powerful, but not quite himself.   Additional: Party saves Queen Theodora Voisard from a potential assassination attempt by killing the corrupt inquisitor, Renault Tessari.

  • 732 PC

    67 /2

    Biscus Retires

    Biscus the Bard retires after regaining his titles and property in Glenien. Nôx joins the party as his replacement, promising to help the party infiltrate the Naydra Archives.

  • 732 PC

    71 /2

    The Fall of Sarael

    Sarael, the Sword of Diel, confronts the party after the Naydra Heist. She falls from grace after a tense confrontation that results in her stabbing Biscus and Rhys Cairthel -- two innocent souls. Horrified by transforming into a fiend, she flees and goes into hiding.

  • 732 PC

    71 /2

    The Naydra Heist
    Criminal Activity

    The party infiltrates the Naydra Archives to steal the Journals of Archmage Carolus, a legendary Twili instrument known as Antiphony, and various other items.   The curator of the Archives is revealed to by a giant blue dragon known as Zephyran, who is infuriated by the crime.

  • 732 PC

    81 /2

    Undead Legion Defeated

    The party defeats Lord Jericho, a death knight returned to the world by misadventure, and destroy his legion of undead warriors.

  • 732 PC

    81 /2

    The Ascension of Hoo'ax'dyuu

    Through the efforts of Abbit and the party, a sentient hex weapon known as Hoo'Ax'Dyuu becomes a lesser deity. He is still finding his celestial niche, presiding over those who wish to cut off their old lives to start anew, and 'cutting through the bullshit' of vague metaphors employed by other deities.

  • 732 PC

    4 /3

    Estuvaris Infiltration
    Criminal Activity

    The party infiltrates the Estuvaris Institute in Vanadiel to rescue Nali Goldenclaws. A Zal'saar agent named Sev Coretann joins them and frees a horrible Malice abomination from its containment. It is revealed to be one of the corrupted Giants of Clocktown.   Destroying the abomination causes a red crescent moon to appear in the sky -- the process of creating the Blood Moon has been started.

  • 732 PC

    5 /3
    732 PC

    35 /4

    Stay at the Chamber of Sages
    Life, Education

    Nôx severs his connection to Majora. The party travels to the Chamber of Sages so that Nôx can study wizardry -- specifically becoming a member of the Order of Scribes. The rest of the party conducts their own training during these months.   Abbit leaves the Lost Woods and removes himself from the adventuring party, intending to fulfill his promise to resurrect Lady Cassia. Kassan joins the party to guide them into the Labyrinth.   The party uses Clone to give Chikara a body that looks like her original one. After this, they resurrect the "real" Meera Cairthel and return her to her family. For their safety, they relocate to the Forsaken Fortress.

  • 732 PC

    38 /4

    Labyrinth Expedition

    The party leaves the Labyrinth citadel to head into the Infernal Territories with the goal of rescuing Selena from an Imprisonment spell. Quest ongoing.