Hall of Heroes Civil War Military Conflict in The Legends Alliance Chronicles | World Anvil
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Hall of Heroes Civil War

As the oldest adventurer's guild on Verden, the Hall of Heroes had gradually become an independent order of gallant knights devoted to protecting the common folk -- even in defiance of national leaders and other traditional hierarchies of power. Heroes would wander Verden and aid the public in all manner of conflicts, be it bandit raids or rebellions against tyrannical rulers.   Like all orders, though, the Hall of Heroes was prone to schisms.   Around the year 300, the leaders of the Hall -- for reasons not currently well-remembered -- turned against each other. Arguments eventually descended into skirmishes, and then into full-blown civil war. It is known that the three leaders at the time were: Lord Flint, Lady Jaina, and Lord Jericho.   The civil war raged for several years. A ruined Hall of Heroes outpost near the city of Hatena recorded that many of their troops were eventually pressed into service, and the remaining garrison tried their best to maintain their defenses.   It is recorded that Lord Jericho was slain by a man named Pharos in personal combat.      As the Hall of Heroes had been one of the stabilizing forces on Verden, its preoccupation with civil war allowed others to take advantage of their weakened position. The Labyrinth launched numerous attacks against Hall troops, with all three leaders -- Chikara Nadir, Selena Nadir, and Wisp Contras -- simultaneously leading a large warband. Records indicate that Korhend, a member of Kakariko Village, allied with Selena to finally lay waste to the Great Hall. This assault concluded the war and officially caused the Hall of Heroes to collapse.   At the same time, Olimandias considered the Hall of Heroes Civil War to be a threat to order, and dispatched agents to force an end to the conflict. At least one outpost -- the ruined building near Hatena -- was threatened and then attacked by an agent of Olimandias. The attacking agent in that case was Valonis, a celestial being who had come to hate the locals for their needless violence. Allegedly, Valonis fell from grace and morphed into a succubus, though whether she understood her new nature was a matter of debate.
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