Gonen's Bridge Building / Landmark in The Lands of Myth | World Anvil
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Gonen's Bridge (Go-nin)

A bridge over a canyon in the Cloudspine.

Purpose / Function

One of the only overland routes south of Seven Gates, Gonen's Bridge is a small plank bridge that spans a canyon that feeds into Seven Gates below. Because the area of Gonen's Bridge is higher, it becomes impassible before Seven Gates closes off for the winter.


On September 15, 2541, the Legion was being chased from Brayle to Gonen by Soulblighter's undead forces. To slow the undead army down, the Legion's Dwarven engineers detonated satchel charges to destroy the bridge. It has never been repaired. The Legion commander Cruniac, who had been mortally wounded by Soulblighter, died several hundred yards from the site of the bridge.
September 15, 2541
Parent Location


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