Fool's Traverse Geographic Location in The Lands of Myth | World Anvil
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Fool's Traverse

A pass in Bagrada.


A wide easily traveled pass through Bagrada. During the spring and summer months, the pass is easy to navigate. It gets its name from those who froze to death when they attempted to travel the pass in the mid-autumn and early spring. The pass is higher than most, and weather can change very rapidly. It can be relatively balmy less than two day's hike in either direction, but the pass itself can be completely impassible from snow accumulation.


Early human settlers traveling through the pass, built large statues to Wyrd to commemorate their passage through this pass. The statues remain there to this day. Fool's Traverse was the site of a battle between the Legion and the Deceiver in November of 2480 during the Great War.
Mountain Pass
Location under


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