The Prenumbral Mage Realm Geographic Location in The Lady Warrior Saga | World Anvil
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The Prenumbral Mage Realm

As his mind superimposed the Mage Realm over the physical world, the rocks, trees, and wagon debris shifted color to muted blues, grays, and purples. A diffuse illumination lit the night, pooling hazy shadows under and around the drab objects. In his mind Sylus recreated his body, as he saw himself, standing, his legs whole, beside his real body. Just as with any other construct within the muted world, the Mage Realm body did not actually exist. Instead it served only to anchor the wandering conscious of the mage who chose to step away from the physical world and enter the Mage Realm, the first step to performing magic for most mages. Against the muted blues of the physical world Sylus' real body glowed bright green infused with the Life magic that defined elves as a species. But the whirlpool of green light that marked his real body wasn't the only bright color. Golden rivers of Earth magic coursed along the ground, one of them forming eddies near his glowing green body. The lady sleeping near him did not glow green. Instead her form in the Mage Realm was a nest of red sparks—Fire magic. Sylus lifted his gaze as if scenting the air. The sky above him was a miasma of pale blue and storm gray, a mixed cloud of Air and Water magic. Only when a mage could see the bright colors of the Mage Realm could he or she hope to influence them and perform magic. ~ Lady Warrior, Mage of Man  
Most mages from the Fanterra Plain enter the Prenumbra Mage Realm. Here, the magic forces of Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Shadow, and Life can be seen and worked.   Mages from other areas do not enter this Mage Realm and cannot see the workings done from this Realm.
Dimensional plane
Location under


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