The Mage Realms Geographic Location in The Lady Warrior Saga | World Anvil
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The Mage Realms

The Mage Realms are several planes of existence that are superimposed upon each other. Each is an offshoot from the Void itself. Each holds their own magical affinities.   When mages are first taught to enter the Mage Realm, they learn to anchor in the plane that their mentor(s) use.   Most mages from the Fanterra Plain enter the Penumbra Mage Realm. Here, the magic forces of Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Shadow, and Life can be seen and worked.   The Nura of the Northern Plains learn to enter the Umbra Mage Realm. Here, the magic forces of Air, Water, Fire, Shadow, Light, and Stasis can be seen and worked.   Time Mages, if they are strong enough, can enter the Hisseth, where only Time can be seen and worked.   Magic is not shared between the various Mage Realms.   For example:   The Nura enter the Umbra Mage Realm. They see light, shadow, air, water, fire, and stasis but can't see Life at all. Elf healing is impossible for them to see in the mage realm they enter.   During the hunt for T'Pani, the Nura used Light, Air, and Stasis. However, as they were working in the Umbral Mage Realm, which they call the Nether, none of the Air Mages following them could see their workings.   However, some workings do leave a trace behind. For example, using Stasis in the Umbral Mage Realm causes a slight taint on the Earth Forcelines in the Prenumbral Mage Realm.
Dimensional plane
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