Tabit station Settlement in The Known Worlds | World Anvil
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Tabit station

Tabit station orbits Tabit b, and is home to approximately 100,000 people. With another 500 - 2000 thousand others coming and going as needed.   Tabit station's primary purpose is as a housing space for the miners that work the asteroid fields here. Mining everything from iron, to tungsten to magnesite, and much more.   There's a smaller substation orbiting Tabit d, that is a fuel refining station that can do more extensive ship repairs if needed.  
Tabit station cover
  Founded by Jumpcorp in 146, the Charter that had created the station was primarily interested in renting the space. They did create a small mining division to mine some larger tungsten deposits they found in the system to help fund the project.


  • 75% Human
  • 12% Kalian
  • 4% Daalen
  • 3% Leeks
  • 3% Saurian
  • 3% other

Industry & Trade

Tabit is a mining colony, so most of the residence work the asteroid or ice mines. The station has a few businesses located inside it's mercantile, including:
  • ZeniMart (Fairly large, well stocked)
  • Faze nightclub
  • Dane's games and hobbies
  • Traska's Grill
  • The Mine Shaft - Sports bar
There are a few offices located here as well.
Founding Date
146 NER
Orbital, Station
100,000 permanent residence. Up to 2,000 guests
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)


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