Tahir Ildrafn Character in The Kingdom of Banteave | World Anvil

Tahir Ildrafn (Tah-Heer)

Ser Tahir Tahn Ildrafn

First Son of House Ildrafn. 28 years of age. Stoic, Armed, Weak. Fleetmaster of Ildrafn's navies and bearer of Gale, Trident of the Winter Waves. Heir to the Barony of Rhythavn and the Duchy of Whitecliff.   Tahir is a cunning naval strategist and a very capable sailor, but many are uncertain about his capacity to lead when his feet rest on solid ground. As named heir to the Duchy of Whitecliff, a great deal of expectation has been placed upon his shoulders, and despite Tahir's insistence that he is up to the task, it has been rumoured that the future Duke has abruptly retreated from stressful council meetings and court functions on more than one occasion, sequestering himself away in his quarters and refusing all inquiries. His isolation rarely lasts more than an evening, but it's enough to get the courtiers gossiping.

Mental characteristics


Tahir grew up in Rhythavn Castle, and has been perpetually fascinated by shipbuilding and the sea. At fifteen, he was already taking to the fierce waves of Rhyver Bay, and at twenty-five years of age he petitioned his father to appoint him fleetmaster of Ildrafn's navies. Pendros did not immediately appoint him as such, but granted him command of a small flotilla. Tahir sailed away from Stormsrest and was not seen again for a year. When he returned, he came back with twice the number of ships he left with, having spent many months hunting pirates that plagued the trade waters between Banteave and Norvalled. Pendros proudly appointed Tahir as Fleetmaster upon his return, and granted him a boon; Gale, Trident of the Winter Waves, a hereditary treasure of House Ildrafn.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1414 28 Years old
Aligned Organization