Gethin Sandoreale Character in The Kingdom of Banteave | World Anvil

Gethin Sandoreale

Duke Gethin Mar Sandoreale (a.k.a. The Sandpiper)

Head of House Sandoreale, Duke of Brackwater.
Religious, Hot-Tempered, Driven. A zealot dedicated to the Six Saints, embodying especially Galbraith the Burned. Has ruled from The Old Manor and is well into his sixtieth year. His house has suffered greatly over the past generations since the crown was stripped from the Sandoreales after the folly of King Robern . He has prayed to the Six Saints every year for guidance, that he might not repeat his ancestors mistakes and bring his House back into glory and power.   That time, it seems, may be imminent. Gethin is convinced that fortune is finally bending back towards House Sandoreale. He has made powerful allies within the Church of the Six Saints, his brother Josten Sandoreale has risen rapidly in popularity among the commonfolk of the Lowlands, and Holthen has risen in stature as a major southern trade port. The ranks of House Sandoreale's armies swell with fresh muster, and Gethin's fast-and-loose approach to ethical concerns when dealing with the pirates, smugglers and highwaymen in his domain have helped him make connections with the kind of folk who employ alternative methods to solve their problems.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gethin is obese, bald and plagued with terrible breath that the barber-surgeons cannot seem to cure.

Mental characteristics


Prior to assuming the mantle of leadership of House Sandoreale, Gethin acted as spymaster for his mother Corella. He operated her network of informants for years, weaving intricate webs to ensnare those his House deemed adversaries, and has personally silenced opponents of their rule as early as his twenty-first year. There is blood on Gethin's hands, but no one for certain knows how much; the swamps of Brackwater claim so many bodies every year, it's impossible to determine just how many Gethin personally had a hand in.

Morality & Philosophy

Gethin fervently believes that the actions he takes, even the sinful ones in the eyes of the Six Saints, are worth it if they further the return of his House to greatness. In his mind, there is no sin he can commit that cannot be purified by fire and appropriate penance.

Personality Characteristics


Gethin seeks to assert his family's ancestral claim to other holdings in the Lowlands. At present, he is fixated on swaying Ranna Tahn Morell, who currently holds the Barony of Brauden to pledge himself to House Sandoreale instead of House Oake.


Gethin Sandoreale


Towards Indirra Sandoreale

Indirra Sandoreale


Towards Gethin Sandoreale

Josten Sandoreale


Towards Gethin Sandoreale


Gethin Sandoreale


Towards Josten Sandoreale


Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1382 60 Years old
Josten Sandoreale (Brother)
The Six Saints
Aligned Organization