Eirwyn of Calleire Character in The Kingdom of Banteave | World Anvil

Eirwyn of Calleire

Eirwyn Elsinaed (a.k.a. The Tutor)

Born in 1380. Vengeful, Bitter, Deceitful. A learned scholar, a traveller of the Continent, a humble servant of House Ildrafn and a skilled, dangerous spy. Few would assume the sickly old man is capable of committing much in the acts of skulduggery, but that's exactly how Eirwyn prefers it. Wise, cunning and calculating, Eirwyn quietly moves through the social circles of the Banteavan nobility, educating their children and quietly collecting their secrets to return to Pendros Ildrafn. His protegé, Jarvin Cadwalader, has come far since they barely escaped Risevar Town during the start of The Tambar Rebellion. With the Rebellion now crushed, Eirwyn's duties have diminished somewhat, and he looks forward to concluding his service with Pendros Ildrafn and finding some quiet corner of the Continent where he can buy a vineyard and live out the rest of his days in peace.

Physical Description

Body Features

Despite being born sickly, Eirwyn is stronger and more capable than most men his age... he just chooses to mask this fact until it becomes necessary.   During the outburst of violence at the start of the Tambar Rebellion, Eirwyn fought and killed a half-dozen rebels single-handedly. The feat, however, would wind up costing him the two smallest fingers on his left hand, taken by a butcher's cleaver wielded by a peasant.


Eirwyn of Calleire

Mentor (Important)

Towards Jarvin Cadwalader



Jarvin Cadwalader


Towards Eirwyn of Calleire



Eirwyn instructed Jarvin in the matters of estate management and other lordly duties, but in truth he was assessing whether the erstwhile son of House Cadwalader could be a useful agent for Pendros Ildrafn. When they were forced to flee together during The Tambar Rebellion at Risevar Town, Eirwyn stayed behind to fight off a group of rebels, allowing Jarvin a chance to escape with Sophira.

Relationship Reasoning

Eirwyn still thinks Jarvin is too soft to be of great use to House Ildrafn's machinations, but continues to train the boy in the arts of the rogue.   Jarvin respects Eirwyn, but finds their instruction difficult. Eirwyn is clearly being harder on him than he has to be.

Year of Birth
1380 62 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born sickly
Aligned Organization
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