Caldas Highmont Character in The Kingdom of Banteave | World Anvil

Caldas Highmont

Baron Caldas Mosonne Highmont

Born 1410. Baron of Galeste. A knight of the Calistan Order and family friend of the Dillestones. Sworn to their service. Kind, Boisterous, Tough.
His family is from the Continent and came to Banteave three generations ago. They were loyal courtiers of Eadvard I and were granted Galeste to manage and maintain the great shipyards.

Mental characteristics


Caldas served as a Calistan Knight, bringing honour and glory to his house. He fought well alongside the other Dillstones during the Tambar Rebellion and ensured it's flames did not spread to Galeste.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Caldas oversees the Galeste shipyards, and ensures the constant flow of trade passing through the port remains free from the depredations of pirates.

Personality Characteristics


Caldas is the head of the minor Highmont house, and seeks to preserve and expand their repute. He believes their close affiliation with the Dillestones will only serve them further, and hopes the recent troubles at court surrounding Eadvard III's succession smooth themselves out; a conflict over the succession will further damage a kingdom that's just begun recovering from the Tambarist strife.

Virtues & Personality perks

Caldas is a magnanimous and decent ruler, and adjudicates disputes within his realm with a fair and even hand. Even with the appearance of a foreign faith in his populace, he still works to keep both sides appeased, designating a district of the coastal city he rules over as a place where the Resshe cultists can practice freely without fear of persecution from the Church.

Vices & Personality flaws

Caldas's best spokesperson is Caldas himself; when the ale is flowing, tales of his great deeds as a knight are sure to come up. Always keen to impress... perhaps too keen.


Family Ties

Caldas has three young children with his bride, Rochelle, and loves all of them deeply. They reside at his estate outside of Galeste, far from the contrivances of courtly politics, and seldom make official appearances.

Religious Views

Caldas is a believer in the Six Saints, though he doesn't come down quite so hard on "heretical practices" as the Church would like him to.

Social Aptitude

Caldas enlivens every room he's in, and is often found at social gatherings by the fire regaling any who will listen with war stories and (exaggerated) whaling tales.

Hobbies & Pets

Caldas is a practiced whaler, and has joined whaling crews on several occasional to bring the leviathans home.


Titania Highmont


Towards Caldas Highmont


Caldas Highmont


Towards Titania Highmont


Wealth & Financial state

Caldas has amassed a substantial treasury overseeing the shipyards and trade ports at Galeste.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1410 32 Years old
The Six Saints
Aligned Organization