Arthur Riverborn Character in The Kingdom of Banteave | World Anvil

Arthur Riverborn

Arthur Shelwyn Riverborn (a.k.a. Linens)

Wise, Stealthy, Honorable. A poet, a player of the lyre, a semi-capable fighter and chronicler of events. Arthur's life might have been ordinary had he not crossed paths with Roan Cordelaine and Iryval Ayvir one fateful Harvest evening in 1442, but he soon found himself swept up in their endeavour to recover the missing heir to The Kingdom of Banteave.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A foundling left at the hut of a washerwoman just outside of Springbrook, Arthur's life was difficult from the very beginning. His adopted father resented his presence until he was called into service during The Tambar Rebellion and never came back from the bloody retaking of Risevar Town. His adopted mother gave him free run of his father's possessions, chief among them a lyre of decent make, if well worn. Arthur took to playing with a natural ability that impressed many of the locals at the town's tavern, and soon he was sent off to apprentice under many other fine minstrels. How he came to be in a muddy watering hole at Conall's Crossing is, however, a tale he is reluctant to get into.


After a mediocre run as a travelling bard playing smaller taverns in The Heartlands, Arthur crossed paths with Roan Cordelaine and Iryval Ayvir, and was quickly recruited into their retinue.
Current Status
Travelling and Performing
Current Location
Year of Birth
1420 22 Years old
Circumstances of Birth