Bal'Khun Settlement in The Iron Suns | World Anvil
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The city-state of Bal'Khun is the largest and oldest of all the Temuri city-states. It lies on the western shore of Temur, not far from the entrance to the Shattered Sea. Bal'Khun was first settled by early descendants of the settlers of Thosa. The location of the city is easily defended, and thus the city has never fallen to the warlords of the Temuri tribes. Bal'Khun is isolationist by nature: it maintains trade relations with Athera and the islands of the Shattered Sea. Other than that, Bal'Khun does not get involved with the politics and dealings of the outside world. Life in Bal'Khun is good for most of its citizens.


Bal'Khun's governing body, the House of Lords, does not interfere much with the doings of the population. Many things which are looked down upon in more strict cultures are allowed here, as long as they do not interfere with the freedoms of other people. There is a strong sense of responsibility for oneself. While this does allow citizens to live freely, it tends to encourage more crime than the average city.

Guilds and Factions

Due to the hands-off approach of the government, many mercenary organizations in Temur are headquartered here, including the only other active chapter of the Iron Suns.
Large city

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