Athera Geographic Location in The Iron Suns | World Anvil
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It is home to the Atheran Republic, consisting of the nations of Melandre, Thosa and Serus. Athera is north of The Shattered Sea and Temur. The small nation of Valspear sits between Athera and Temur, at the eastern end of the Shattered Sea. The northern most areas of the continent are known as the Northern Wastes, a desolate region of tundra and mountains sparely inhabited by various nomadic tribes.  


Ancient Rha-Haran

Millennia ago, Athera and Temur existed as a single continent, Rha-Haran. Rha-Haran was first settled in present-day Thosa by settlers from Kara-tur. The settlers, eager to get away from the warring tribes who battled over Kara-tur, opted to take to the sea rather than venture West to the already populated lands of Faerun. The first settlements were along the Thosian Sound, some of which became the present-day cities of Volun'Thos, Athan'Thos and Corran'Thos. Eventually people migrated south to Temur and west across The Spine to Melandre.   The settlers found native people all over the new continent, and over time the two groups merged, forming the lineage of modern day people native to the Eastern Continents. Individual settlements near the Thosian Sound began taking permanent roots. Further south and east, where people had traveled for years to reach the other sides of the continent, the nomadic style of living remained dominant for centuries.   As the population of Rha-Haran continued, a mysterious cataclysm occurred. Myths claim a rogue moon (or wandering moon) fell from the sky and crashed into the center of the continent. The event created a giant crater which eventually filled with water, creating The Shattered Sea and separating the continents of Athera and Temur. For hundreds of years, the Shattered Sea was thought to be cursed, but over time it became a central hub for trade, travel and piracy.  

Early Organization of Nations

The first nation to begin to organize was Melandre.  

The Atheran Republic


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