The Northern Wastes Geographic Location in The Iron Suns | World Anvil
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The Northern Wastes

The Northern Wastes is the common name given to the northeastern region of Athera, north of Melandre and east of the Spine mountain range. The majority of the region is covered by the expansive grasslands known as the Shadow Steppe. The Northern Wastes are perceived to be a wild place by outsiders, however there are several developed hubs of civilization, including the city of Titanhelm. Despite this, inhabitants of the Wastes are often deemed "barbarians" other nations often refuse to interact with them politically or economically.  


Many of the people native to the Northern Wastes come from families who have lived there for centuries. There are no large governing bodies in the region. Most smaller governments take the form of singular city-states or nomadic tribes. The largest settlement, Titanhelm, is the most populated and "southern" of the cities in the Waste. The Wastes are mostly occupied by common races: humans, dwarves, elves, muls, half-orcs and half-giants. There are also significant populations of giants, ogres, orcs and other sorts of wild creatures.  

Cities & Outposts



Titanhelm is the largest (population-wise) city in the Northern Wastes. It is seen by many as the trade center of the region, although trading is not as prevalent as it is in the south. The original foundations of the city were one of the first permanent settlements built in the north. The city was originally the home of the Levanthi, a clan of half-giant warriors who decided to settle down permanently on the edge of the Shadow Steppes. Over time, the Levanthi assimilated other tribes and clans, and the small settlement sprouted into a city.   Once the Levanthi decided to give up the nomadic lifestyle, and after the addition of other bloodlines to the city, the clan slowly disintegrated as they interbred.   Titanhelm has been heavily fortified over the centuries, including an outer wall which encompasses several small farms. Though not a mining town, the smiths of Titanhelm are renowned in the north. Because of its location next to the grasslands of the Shadow Steppes, Titanhelm has many horses at its disposal, and the city's cavalry are as respected and feared as the Windborne Cavalry.   Titanhelm is ruled by a small council of experienced warriors. They are isolationist by nature, typically only dealing with other groups for trade or while defending their lands.  


Malthulus is the second-largest city in the Northern Wastes. Malthulus is home to Clan Red Bear. Red Bear is one of the very few independent clans to hold permanent residence. The clan has a near complete control of the forests surrounding Malthulus for at least a hundred miles in any direction.   Malthulus lies deep in the Bloodwood, a large forest which lies west the Shadow Steppes. The city is well fortified, despite its natural protection from the thick forest. Clan Red Bear are known for their expert hunters, rangers and guerilla warriors. Though they no longer seek to conquer neighboring tribes, they fiercely defend the land they lay claim to. In centuries past, the warriors of Clan Red Bear attempted to cross the Spine and invade Thosa, however they were thwarted and sent back to the Bloodwood. There remains bad blood between the clan and the Thosians ever since.   Trade is sparse between Malthulus and other settlements. Few outsiders know what the city looks like and few have been within its gates. Some legends of northern Thosian clans suggest that the people of Clan Red Bear are actually undead, risen from the Dreadlands and carrying out the will of some dark necromancer. These types of stories, though common, tend to be thought of as nothing more than ghost stories for children, though fear of Malthulus remains common.  

Fort Windborne

Fort Windborne is built in the south-eastern stretches of the Shadow Steppes, near the Melandric border. The inhabitants of the fort, the famous Windborne Cavalry, are mostly citizens of Melandre who have sworn their life to the ancient order. Though not officially part of the armies of Melandre, the Cavalry are considered allies. They built Fort Windborne as a training ground, as well as a first defense from an invasion from the north. Like Titanhelm, Fort Windborne's placement on the Shadow Steppes gives the Cavalry access to wild horses.   Fort Windborne has a low civilian population. Most civilians in the fort are families of the cavalrymen, tasked with the upkeep of the fort and the care of the soldiers. There is a small market run by a group of traders who move goods to and from Havensport.
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