The Shattered Sea Geographic Location in The Iron Suns | World Anvil
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The Shattered Sea

The Shattered Sea is a large body of water separating the continents of Athera and Temur. The Sea was created when a large heavenly body crashed into the earth, separating the landmass of Rha-Haran into two continents. Long after the catastrophe, the Shattered Sea was thought to be cursed and was avoided by those that lived around it. In the last few centuries, this superstition has all-but-vanished. Presently, many people make their livings of the Sea, either as fisherman, traders or pirates. The Sea provides the quickest way to get from one side of the Eastern Continents to the other. The reduction in travel time is balanced by the higher risk of piracy as well as the steep tariffs of The Pinch.  


Each island is very independent in their culture, beliefs and customs. There are a few overarching cultural traits that permeate throughout the region. Most residents of the islands and coastal cities are reverent to the sea. Worship of Melora is common among the sailors and fishermen. Sailing and open water navigation are considered to be two of the most important skills an islander can have. The people of the islands are typically very happy, despite the dangers of the Sea. Wealth is typically shared in island villages, which are governed by village elders rather than lords or kings.  


Aside from their reputation as skillful navigators, the various peoples of the Shattered Sea are also known to be talented traders. The vicinity to goods unique to the sea paired with the speed at which they can move cargo gives them a great advantage over most. Traders of the sea are not only adept at trading their own homegrown goods, they often time will trade the goods of other regions, with a deep understanding of supply and demand. Despite the wealth many of these traders are able to amass, the average trader does not live lavishly. Instead they tend to spend their money on their ships, which they regard as living beings which must be cared for, or help others on their home islands. The acquisition of money is more for pride than personal gain.  


Similar to the their trader brethren, pirates from the Shattered Sea greatly benefit from an innate knowledge of sailing and navigation in the open waters. While not overly violent, Shattered pirates are known for their knack for taking not only a ship's cargo but the ship itself. They also share the belief that a ship is a living thing, and the value of the ship itself is often more than the goods it carries. Pirates who are based out of a single island tend not to attack ships from that island. Many Shattered pirates tend to target non-local vessels: those from either Athera or Temur, or, if lucky, traders from distant lands. There is an unspoken code among many pirates not to pillage from other crews. Although they prove an annoyance, many non-pirate citizens of the sea view piracy as a balancing of scales, and therefore pirates are not as hated locally as they are elsewhere.


The Shattered Sea is home to several large islands and countless smaller isles. The climate is tropical; high temperatures and tropical storms are common. When the weather is good, the water is typically very calm. Paired with nominally good winds, sailing the Shattered Sea is typically very quick. Wildlife on the islands and coastal regions are very colorful. Though farming is not common on the islands, various fruits, nuts and flowers grow in abundance. The Sea provides some of the best fishing and crabbing grounds in the Eastern Continents.
Shattered Sea Map
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Real World Similarities

The climate is very similar to the Caribbean (tropical). Geography is more like that of the Mediterranean (a mostly enclosed sea). The people of the Shattered Sea are a mixture between those that live in the Caribbean and the ancient Phoenicians of the Mediterranean (expert traders and sailors).

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