Dusk Woods Geographic Location in The Interstice | World Anvil
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Dusk Woods

It is unknown whether the shadows of Ulgu existed here before the great Dusk Woods, but regardless of what came before, these lands are now covered in an ever present umbra. The oldest of these trees seem to stretch infinitely high into the sky, blotting out any hope of daylight. Even those brave explorers not shackled to the ground, rarely reach a glimpse of light in the loftiest of heights. Yet in the permanent darkness and unbreachable gloom, valuable prizes glitter ever brightly hidden in plain sight.   The Black Beast Range connects the woods with the untamed Beastland Wastes, a mountain range of ebony stone and home to dangerous creatures that both swallow and exude shadow itself.   The Penumbral Plains are the border between the Dusk Woods and the Crystalline Fields. A curious place where light and shadow battle for domination as if tangible forces. One moment it may be bathed in light while in the next it is overwhelmed by shadow.
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