
A people native to the distant Valo Wilds. Capable of flight, the Rito are capable of traveling vast distances without much exertion. As such, they have picked up a talent for trade and diplomacy.   Tabantha Rito call Tontori Roost their ancestral home and make heavy use of their proud friendship and jovial rivalry with the people of Hyrule.

Basic Information


Rito are a generally tall species of upright, sapient bird-like people. The species possess taloned feet, a variety of different beaks, and large, powerful wings which end in prehensile fingers. They range in coloring from light pastels to neutral browns, blacks, and whites.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While natural hunters, the Rito are no strangers to foraging or farming, being omnivorous in nature. Many groups of Rito are known for their fish farms or rodent ranches.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All Rito have excellent sight, with large, forward facing binocular eyes. This allows them to gauge distance exceptionally well, while years of natural flight have given them additional skill in gauging distance at speed.
Scientific Name
Rawar rito
95 years
Average Height
Adult Male: 178 cm
Adult Female: 182 cm
Average Wingspan
~273 cm
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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