The First Blood Tradition / Ritual in The Hunter's Dream | World Anvil
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The First Blood

With no formal headquarters or regular meeting hall, members of the Hunter's Guild in Tulwood typically stay connected through smaller gatherings. However, when a new hunter completes their first successful hunt, most of the guild gathers to celebrate their First Blood and welcome them to the guild.  


A newcomer's first hunt with the guild is almost always done with the guidance of the Loremaster, who hires out a venue of their choice and spreads word to other members of the guild who they can get in contact with upon their success. Word is then passed down the grapevine throughout the organization. Typically, the meeting is held about two weeks after the hunt being celebrated, and is open to all hunters who are available. Guests are strongly discouraged from attending.  

The Main Event

A First Blood often involves drinks, dinner, or some other sort of entertainment, but the main event is the new hunter telling the story of the assembled Guild members. After their story is concluded, all assembled congratulate them and drink to their good health and future success. This toast is a long standing tradition; in ancient times, it is said that the toast was done using the blood of the hunter's first kill, though if this was ever actually the case, the drink of choice has long since become a stiff drink of brandy, rye, or rum.

Plot Hooks

The players' pack is invited to attend a First Blood. However, the new member is a loyal servant of one of the Powers, and has set up a trap. Refreshments served at the event are poisoned with a sleeping draught, subduing many of the weaker members of the guild, and the venue is attacked by a number of powerful accomplices. Those still awake must fight to save themselves and their poisoned comrades.


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