Kimball Cho of Sapphiria Character in The Horrors Beyond the Crypt: Yharm, Goddess of the Damned | World Anvil
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Kimball Cho of Sapphiria

Kimball Cho was born to a wealthy family in Sapphiria. His father, Westley Cho is a high ranking noble with lots of money. He is in charge of a lot of people but is said to be kind of a jerk. Kimball describes him as "an asshole." Kimball's mother died during his birth and he was left with only his father, who raised him to be a noble. When he was of age to leave Sapphiria, his father denied it, as he was told to be a noble and to take his place once his father passes. Kimball also had a romantic interest in a man in Sapphiria, however, was denied by his father to pursue said interest and was told to hide his romantic interests from society, as they were "wrong" in his eyes. Without another word to his father, Kimball decided to leave his life behind to travel around Terra Firma. With only what his father allowed him to have previously, he fled Sapphiria in the hopes that he can finally live his life. He became a bounty hunter of sorts, helping out people far and wide, eventually ending up in Oceania where he met Bianca Farless and became friends with her, especially after they were both pickpocketed by the same child.


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