Uthra Star Metal Material in The Gulf of Zuros | World Anvil
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Uthra Star Metal

It is precious metal that defies known physics and can only be found on Uthra however it is not actually native to Uthra as it is only found in the thousands of meteorite craters that primly dust the surface of the dark side of the tidally locked world making the rest of the world relatively safe from the start metal meteorites.   This area is called the Deadlands by the natives because it is a frozen hells-scape made even more hellish by the fact that for half of the year its bathed in the tender glow of a permanent warp storm during which a near constant rain of meteorites ranging from the size of fists that burn up harmlessly in the atmosphere to rocks that on average can be up to 300m in diameters in size and strikes with so much energy that they range in the hundreds of megatons of kinetic force, such impact events rock the world of Uthra so hard that is does do not go unnoticed by anyone on the world which spark a “gold rush” .   Not only that some of the most hostile and deadly fauna can be found there, it is not made easier by the fact that it is in inhabited by savage and hostile tribes of chaos worshiping mutants also making it even more dangerous to collect the sacred Star Metal by the civilized clans of Uthra.   Yet that does not stop the brave men of Uthra seeking the sacred metal.


Material Characteristics

The ore looks like a dull rusty brown until cast and hardened, it is so soft that it can be worked like lead however when hardened it turns into reddish shimmering onyx with a crystalline structure, like those found in some high-grade steel alloys.


In this worked state it is not only a light metal, it is incredibly tough and hard prefect to use in armor plates, bladed weapons and construction but it is almost impossible to manipulate once it has been hardened with the exception that the impossibly casuistic acid from an Uthre Acid Dragon can be used the etch the metal however it is very dangerous and slow processes, making the beautiful acid etched weapons, armor an religious idols very rare and reserved for the upper crust of Uthre Clan's society, higher priest and nobility rank though sometimes a noble or priest grants such a priceless item to an exceptional individual for exceptional service.

Geology & Geography

The metal itself is found on the darkside of the Tidally locked planet, in a land called the Deadlands, a frozen hellscape that will freeze the flesh off the bones of those unprepared for it.  Specifically it can be found in any of the many many craters that riddle the surface.

Origin & Source

The metal is found on the planet in the form of meteorites that originated from a stable warp anomaly in the system.

History & Usage


It is originally discovered by the first settlers of Uthre whom discovered its properties and how to make use of it to later passed it down to their descendants, though today the knowledge is poorly understood and highly ritualized, kept alive only by the religious smithing order among the civilized people of Uthre and the twisted witch-smiths of the Deadlands.

Everyday use

The wast amount of Star Metal is collected as charred chunks, in and around the meteorite craters and transported to the great holds by specially blessed thralls under watchful gaze of the accompanying Huskarls and priests, whom watch them as much as they watch for danger. Once the ore is handed over the smith-priests, whom the sort the ore based on where or not its is an intact chunk or if its a shard of a larger chunk.   If it is intact then they carefully open the chuck by dripping Spite of an Acid Dragon aka, the acid of the creature, this creates fault line by which they can then crack the chunk.   Once this is done the cracked chunks are hollowed out with a steel spoon and the ore inside is taken to the sacred smelters and the molten metal is carefully siphoned off as the pure Star Metal floats to the top, it is then cast into bars for easy storage and later use or cast into items right away.   Once an item has been cast any excess material is removed, decorations are craved in to the metal and final touches are done, it is then they are carefully re-heated and clenched in the purest water and with a few drops of the blessed blood of a priest mixed in, this hardened and darkens the metal to its final form.   Many priest-smiths then pound in gold or other precious metals in to the carvings both to beautify patterns that contrasts nicely with the onyx color of the metal both for the beauty of it and out of religious meaning.   Only the most bold and skillful of the priest-smiths uses the Spite of the Acid Dragon to create fine etchings in the Star Metal itself and it is mark of a true master, these items are considered far above all other Star Metal items in terms of value and sometimes danger because some patterns carry great power and with that power comes real danger, there are even forbidden runes that is said to give strength to witches and the damned.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Most Star Metal items are created in one of the great-holds and are reserved for the nobility and the priest class however “common” Star Metal blades can be found in the hands off the Huskarls, elite professorial soldiers of Uthre, as only the nobility, priests and the Huskarls are considered worthy to carry items made from Star Metal. Those whom wish a rune-fang crafted by the very best priest-smiths must travel to Skyfall, sacred fortress hold sitting buried in a sheltered valley just in the Deadlands itself, which has to be reach by a tunnel that is almost 10 km long which is the safest way to enter the Deadlands and the vital lifeline for Skyfall since it is impossible for the priest to produce food and other vital necessities at Skyfall, these supplies are donated to the priest by the clans on a yearly basis though ever so often a trader or noble will come the Uthre looking to acquire the precious Uthre Star Metal blades and armor these wealthy indiviuals will pay a premium price for them though it is worth mentioning that the Rune-Fangs cant be bought for any price they must be earned by the once seeking such a potent weapon themselves.   To do so they must prove themselves worthy by partaking in a long and extremely dangerous and difficult set of trials that start by passing a ritual duel against one of the priest-champions either by winning or by fighting to a draw neither of which is easy, most come to Skyfall do not succeed in this step but those that do are ritually blessed and given all the tools they may take with them into the Deadlands to collect the Star Metal and something they must do alone.   Vast majority of those that step into the Deadlands by themselves to not come back let alone with a small bag filled the precious Star Metal as many deadly things in that blasted landscape wants to kill them, including the harsh Deadlands itself.   Of those that set out on the perilous journey only about 1 in 10 make it back with the metal but the task is not yet done, now the warrior must help the master priest-smith to forge his blade and once completed the warrior is presented with his Rune-Fang and given his final task as the weapon must taste the hot blood of a living Acid Dragon.   This is pretty obviously not for the weapon itself but to repay the priest-smiths for their time with a worthy payment without “paying” for it since Rune-Fangs are forbidden to be sold or given way by their master the exception in the case of their master's death, as they need many parts of the beast in their craft, from the acid to the bones and even scales, the flesh of the beast is also very tasty and tender when cooked but this part he does not need to do alone and sets out accompanied by the priest-champions when they return from their perilous journey a great feast will be held to the honor of both the warrior and his Rune-Fang were the flesh of the Acid Dragon they brought back is eaten and the heart is offered up to the All-Father in thanks.   All warriors that carry a Rune-Fang are called Einherjar and are the elite among the warrior elite of Uthre and when an Einherjar dies the blade and its own is taken to the temple hold of Vallheim at the heart of the land know as the Land of the Eternal Summer to be entombed within the Tomb of the Einherjar, if his body cant be recovered then his blade must be as according to legend the spirits of such lost weapons becomes one of the Mara, a deadly and vengeful spirit that seeks to take out its vengeance and loss of its master on all that it encounters.   There is one other way to claim a Rune-Fang, this by getting permission from the High Priest of the ALL-Father to enter Tomb of the Einherjar however this is not easier nor any less dangerous or arduous as the Einherjar who's Rune-Fang once belonged to another say that the old blades choose their new master and call them to their resting place so they may take them to battle once more but not all blades that call are looking for a new master, they just want you come close enough to them so they can kill you but these spiteful blades are not the only danger in the tomb as the veil between the here and the next is so thin that within stalks true horrors that can rob the living of not only their life but of their body, mind and soul.

Industrial Use

It is primly used in bladed weapons though sees a fair bit of use in armor and in the construction of temples and shrines, mostly in the form of sacred idols or other such items though exceptionally wealthy nobles or prominent shrines and temples have the metal used in its construction or in the case of the vitally important strategic fortress holds close to the border of the Deadlands may have even their walls and other defensive structures reinforced by Star Metal which is hideously expensive in lives to gather but it is a nerssery nessity to make sure these vital defense points remain standing when the inevitable storm of chaos raiders come charging out from the frozen Deadlands. Only the smith-priests are the only ones allowed to work with Star Metal however nobility, other priests and the Huskarls my wield it.
only found on Uthra
Rusty brown as ore, reddish shimmering onyx when worked
Common State
solid raw ore
Related Locations


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