Geftan Ethnicity in The Ground | World Anvil
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Geftans are a dwarven ethnic group known for their practicality, resilience, and strong sense of community. They inhabit the rolling green hills of their homeland, Gefter, where clan loyalty and tradition are paramount. Geftans are organized into clans, each specializing in a particular trade or industry, such as brewing, shipbuilding, or agriculture. Success within the clan is determined by one's contributions to the clan's business and adherence to tradition.

In Geftan society, respect for clan elders, adherence to clan traditions, and loyalty to the clan are highly valued. Disrespecting elders, breaking traditions, or betraying the clan's interests are considered taboo and can result in social ostracism. Despite their practical nature, Geftans also have a rich cultural heritage, with customs and rituals that celebrate their ancestry and collective identity.

Overall, Geftans are a close-knit community bound by shared values, traditions, and a strong sense of kinship. Their culture is characterized by practicality, loyalty, and a deep reverence for tradition, shaping their interactions, customs, and way of life.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alfhild, Brenda, Brollda, Elga, Engrid, Erika, Errtha, Erlda, Erolga, Gunhild, Helga, Hertha, Hilda, Holga, Inge, Ingrid, Mildred, Milga, Olga

Masculine names

Berrick, Beldrok, Bick, Brandid, Brannik, Gannar, Ganron, Gantar, Gerrar, Gerrik (1), Gerrid, Geldrak, Githlak, Githlar, Goulas, Hanrick, Har, Homner, Houlak, Irveldro, Irvo, Meldras, Merrak, Mithlas, Mithnar, Mithtar, Ordeg, Thanro, Thanrok, Ther, Thothak

Family names

Dwarves do not have family names, but many will use the name of their clan in such a manner.

Some Geftan clans include: Beastbane; Beastheart; Bitterbane; Brightheart; Brownbeard; Blazingbeard; Giantbane; Giantbelly; Giantborn; Hillborn; Leathergut; Longbraid; Merrybelly; Oakenhide.


Shared customary codes and values

Loyalty to Clan and Community

Loyalty to one's clan and community is paramount in Geftan culture. Individuals are expected to prioritize the collective well-being and prosperity of their family, clan, and society over personal interests or ambitions.

Hard Work and Perseverance

Geftans admire hard work, perseverance, and determination in the face of challenges. The willingness to put in effort and overcome obstacles is seen as a testament to one's strength of character and commitment to success.

Respect for Elders and Authority

Respect for elders, leaders, and authority figures is deeply rooted in Geftan tradition. Younger Geftans are expected to defer to their elders and follow the guidance of clan leaders and chiefs, recognizing their wisdom and experience.

Adherence to Tradition and Custom

Geftans hold deep respect for tradition and custom, honoring the rituals, ceremonies, and practices passed down through generations. These traditions serve to preserve their cultural identity and reinforce their sense of belonging within the clan and society.

Common Etiquette rules

Respect for Elders and Authority

Geftans place great importance on showing respect to elders and authority figures. This includes using respectful language and gestures when addressing them, and deferring to their wisdom and experience in decision-making.

Gift Giving

When giving gifts in Gefter, it is important to consider the recipient's preferences and tastes. Gifts should be thoughtful and personal, rather than extravagant or showy. Avoid giving gifts of money, as this may be seen as an insult to the recipient's self-sufficiency.

Conversation Topics

In social settings, it is considered impolite to bring up business talk or monetary affairs. Parties and gatherings are meant to be a time of relaxation and enjoyment, free from the stresses of everyday life. Instead, focus on light-hearted conversation topics such as family, hobbies, and shared interests.

Dining Etiquette

When dining with Geftans, it is customary to wait for the host to begin eating before starting your meal. Use utensils appropriately and avoid making loud noises or gestures while eating. Express gratitude for the meal and compliment the host on their hospitality.

Common Dress code

Quality Craftsmanship

Geftans appreciate quality craftsmanship and attention to detail in their clothing. Garments are carefully constructed using traditional techniques and high-quality materials, ensuring longevity and durability.

Subdued Colors and Earthy Tones

Geftan attire tends to feature subdued colors and earthy tones, reflecting their connection to the natural world. Earthy browns, greens, and greys are common, with occasional accents of bold colors or intricate embroidery for special occasions.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Clan Gatherings and Festivals

Geftans regularly come together for clan gatherings and festivals, where they celebrate their shared heritage and traditions. These events often include feasting, music, dance, and storytelling, providing opportunities for socializing and strengthening bonds within the clan.

Craftsmanship Demonstrations

Geftans take pride in their craftsmanship and often demonstrate their skills during communal gatherings and festivals. Artisans may showcase their work, from brewing beer to shipbuilding to metalworking, allowing others to appreciate their talents and learn from their expertise.

Clan Competitions and Contests

Geftans enjoy friendly competition and often organize contests and competitions to showcase their skills and prowess. From brewing contests to boat races to craftsmanship competitions, these events foster camaraderie and pride within the clan.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Feasting and Celebration

Birth is a joyous occasion in Geftan culture, and it is marked by feasting, music, and dancing. Family and friends come together to celebrate the arrival of the new member, sharing stories, laughter, and good wishes for the child's future.

Symbolic Gifts

Family members and close friends may present symbolic gifts to the newborn in the days following birth. These gifts could include items that hold cultural or sentimental significance, such as heirloom jewelry, handmade clothing, or tokens of good luck and protection.

Coming of Age Rites

Trial of Skill

In Geftan culture, the Trial of Skill is a pivotal coming of age rite that determines a young individual's position within their clan's business. As Geftans reach adolescence, they undergo this rigorous test to showcase their abilities and knowledge in their clan's trade or profession.

During the Trial of Skill, young Geftans are tasked with a series of challenges and tasks directly related to their clan's business. For example, a member of the Merrybelly Clan may be required to brew a batch of beer to perfection, while a member of the Brownbeard Clan might demonstrate their proficiency in boat construction.

The outcome of the trial is carefully observed and evaluated by clan elders and business leaders, who assess the individual's performance, creativity, problem-solving skills, and overall aptitude for the trade. Based on their performance, the young Geftan is assigned a position within the clan's business, whether as an assistant, accountant, or master craftsman.

Those who excel in the Trial of Skill are granted greater responsibilities and opportunities for advancement within the clan, while those who struggle may be given additional training and support to develop their skills further. Regardless of the outcome, the Trial of Skill serves as a rite of passage that marks a young Geftan's readiness to contribute to their clan's economic success and prosperity.

Community Recognition

Coming of age rites often culminate in a community recognition ceremony, where young Geftans are formally acknowledged and celebrated for their achievements and contributions. Family members, clan elders, and community leaders offer words of wisdom and encouragement, welcoming the new adults into the fold of society.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Geftan funerary and memorial customs vary based on clan wealth and traditions. Wealthier clans have elaborate clan tombs where affluent members are laid to rest in intricately carved coffins resembling them. These tombs serve as a symbol of prestige and honor within the clan.

During the burial ceremony, clan members gather in solemn silence as the deceased is interred in the coffin or laid to rest in the earth. Each member takes turns placing offerings in the grave to aid the departed on their journey to the afterlife. These offerings may include food, drink, or personal belongings, symbolizing the clan's support and reverence for the deceased.

In poorer clans, individuals are buried in clan graveyards, marked by simple tombstones etched with their achievements and contributions to the clan. The burial ceremony follows a similar format, with clan members paying their respects in silence.

After the burial, clan members return indoors to come together as a community to mourn the loss of a loved one and celebrate their life through communal gatherings and commemorative feasts. These gatherings provide an opportunity for family and friends to share memories, stories, and reflections about the deceased, offering comfort and support to one another in their time of grief.


Marriage Customs

Betrothal Ceremony

The betrothal ceremony begins with the woman being formally introduced to the members of her partner's clan. Clan elders or family representatives preside over the ceremony, welcoming the woman into the clan community with open arms. This introduction symbolizes the joining of two families and the start of a new chapter in the couple's lives.

After the introduction, the couple and their guests gather for a festive celebration featuring music, dancing, and feasting. Clan members and community members come together to offer their congratulations and support to the couple, sharing in the joyous occasion. The feasting and celebration create a joyful atmosphere of camaraderie and unity, strengthening the bonds between the couple and their respective clans.

As the festivities wind down, clan elders or spiritual leaders offer blessings and well-wishes for the couple's future happiness and prosperity. They invoke the gods and ancestors to shower the couple with guidance, protection, and abundance in their journey together. The blessings and well-wishes serve as a final affirmation of the couple's love and commitment, imbuing their union with the blessings of the clan and community.

Marriage Ceremony

The marriage ceremony begins with a grand procession of both clans, led by the couple, as they make their way to the ceremonial site. Clan members carry banners, flags, or symbols representing their respective families, showcasing the unity and solidarity of the clans.

The couple approaches a ceremonial table where a tankard is placed. Each of them holds a vessel of beer, representing their individual selves. Together, they pour their beers into the tankard, symbolizing the blending of their lives and the creation of a shared union. Once the tankard is filled, they each take a ceremonial sip, sealing their commitment to each other.

After the Unity Ritual, the entire community gathers for a lavish feast and celebration. Clan members and guests mingle, share stories, and toast the newlyweds. The couple's act of unity with the beer pouring ritual is celebrated, and guests are invited to partake in the joyous occasion by enjoying the beer and festivities.

Common Taboos

Disrespecting Clan Elders

Geftans hold great reverence for their elders, and disrespecting or disobeying them is considered taboo. Younger members of the clan are expected to show deference and obedience to their elders, following their guidance and wisdom.

Breaking Clan Traditions

Geftans place great importance on tradition and custom, and breaking clan traditions is considered taboo. Whether it's skipping important rituals or disregarding customary practices, deviating from established traditions can lead to social ostracism and disapproval within the clan.

Disloyalty to Clan

Loyalty to the clan is paramount in Geftan culture, and betraying or undermining the interests of the clan is considered taboo. Geftans are expected to prioritize the collective well-being and prosperity of their family and clan above personal gain or ambition.


Beauty Ideals

Strength and Resilience

Geftans admire physical strength and resilience, as it reflects their hardworking nature and ability to overcome challenges. Muscular build and endurance may be considered attractive qualities in both men and women.


In Geftan culture, beards are revered as a mark of masculine beauty, strength, and wisdom. A thick, well-groomed beard is seen as a sign of maturity, virility, and ruggedness, embodying traits valued in their society. Geftan men take pride in cultivating and maintaining their facial hair, using traditional grooming techniques passed down through generations to ensure their beards remain robust and lustrous. A full beard is often associated with wisdom and experience, with older Geftan men sporting impressive facial hair as a badge of honor earned through years of hard work and perseverance. Younger men eagerly anticipate the growth of their own beards, viewing it as a rite of passage into adulthood and a symbol of their readiness to shoulder the responsibilities of clan and community.

Gender Ideals

Skill and Expertise

Geftans admire individuals who excel in their chosen trade or profession, regardless of gender. Whether it's mastering the art of brewing beer, navigating treacherous seas, or crafting intricate jewelry, expertise and skill are celebrated qualities.

Family and Community Values

Geftan gender ideals prioritize family and community values, with both men and women expected to contribute to the well-being of their families and the larger clan. This may involve roles such as caregiving, decision-making, and financial management, which are seen as equally important for both genders.

Courtship Ideals

Family Involvement

While individual autonomy is respected, family involvement in courtship is common in Geftan society. Parents and elders may play a role in matchmaking or offering guidance to young Geftans as they navigate the complexities of courtship and marriage.

Demonstration of Skill and Resourcefulness

In keeping with Geftan ideals of strength and skill, courtship may involve demonstrations of competence and resourcefulness. This could take the form of impressing a potential partner with one's abilities in their chosen trade or profession, or showcasing qualities such as bravery and determination.

Relationship Ideals

Commitment to Family and Community

Geftan relationships extend beyond the individuals involved, encompassing a commitment to family and community. Partners work together to contribute to the collective well-being and prosperity of their clan, prioritizing the needs of the larger group over individual desires.

Shared Responsibilities and Roles

Geftan relationships often involve shared responsibilities and roles, with partners collaborating on tasks such as household chores, childcare, and financial management. This equitable distribution of labor reflects their belief in equality and fairness within the relationship.

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