The Shrine Guard



This religious unit native to the Mistwalkers harbors but four Guardians. Ember Neaves Emberwing, Ember Pyria Scorchbearer, Ember Erlin Suntouch, Ember Ryhs The Burned. Bolstered by the fellow warriors of the Clan as well as the Chief acting as a point of contact for the Guardians. Though ultimately they respond to the Mother of the Clan, their Priestess being their secondary protective objective.


Neaves Emberwing, is known to employ a potent Domain of fire, to hear her voice is to know what the ashes feel in the cooling inferno. A ghost seen in the dancing flames, a specter of death as lovely as a lover's brush of the lips. Her chief weaponry is her magic, needing no such need for physicality, considered a true prodigy among the Mistwalkers. Considered even for becoming the new High Priestess of the Clan, should their current Mother Aafje fall for whatever reason.
Pyria Scorchbearer is very fond of stalking her prey. Through employing a curious strategy, she is experienced in using flechettes. Dropping the heavy iron spikes onto her targets from several hundred feet in the air, favoring to keep herself in line with the sun so anyone looking up won't easily be able to spot her as she rains bolts down on anyone who has intruded the Sacred Pass.
Erlin Suntouch will fight you not in a battle of strength and power, but a subtle one. Though his wings are constantly glowing softly, a rare defect in his ambient ability to draw on his Greater Talent of fire uncontrollably, he is a silent hunter in the mists. Choosing to pick off stragglers and those that leave the safety of the group. His bow will always find its target, the quiet whistle of his arrow a church's bell toll to those that never hear it.
Rise and shine by Thereasonwhy
Ryhs The Burned is the bulk and muscle of the group. He carries a Warsword a full span taller than his own six foot height. During his Baptism, his wings were torn. Raised by Afjie herself, a loyalty that knows no bounds. Though sadly, he is unable to fly as a result of his wings, grounded by unfortunate circumstances. Should one find their way to gates of the Sacred Pass, they will find an inferno draped knight of peerless skill.


Once a Human is spotted by Erlin, the alarm is raised. Neaves will weave the mists thicker, a miasmic labyrinth of swirling smoke to confuse and detain the target. Pyria will act as overwatch, should the target get too close to the village and the Sacred Pass, she will do what she does. If Neaves is unable to deter the target, or guide them away from the Village. Erlin will hunt them. Pyria will stalk them. If hostile they will eliminate the target. Should the target find their way to the split in the rock, over the natural bridge into the lightning-ridden arc of Ryhs Sword. The other three will push the Target closer to Ryhs, giving them no ability to retreat. Surrender or die.
Though, before any hostile action is taken, Pyria will whisper to them to leave the Valley. Erlin will distract them away from any paths leading to their homes. Neaves will appear before them as a form in the mist to lead them to, and might one add, literal safety. For to not heed the voices in the mist would spell one's doom.


After the Skirmish with the Huronian Garrison, after the fall of their High Priestess Anya, after the heartbreak had been cauterized but never allowed to heal. The Shrine Guardians were created. The fit and abled warriors looked to the four Embers that Anya had raised, and saw them in a new light. Orphaned at their Baptismal Rites, now orphaned again with the loss of the Mother.
An ancient fury awoke in their hearts, a single statement whispered on the lips of the four Embers, "Syn grant us strength". Their torn wings healed themselves, their eyes glowed with a divine fury not seen in any but the Hierophant and the Mother. A prayer answered, from whom they knew not. Azu the Great Butterfly granting them the connection they lost, though not quite. The form of the goddess, though not her voice.
From here, the four chosen Embers looked back out to the family that would not return their gaze, and demanded that this would never happen again. They would be the sword and shield for the Clan. They would be the gates at the walls, the eyes in the skies to everlook after the family. The Hierophant embraced the children as he would his own, and promised to each of them to teach them what they needed to know.
Though these children are long passed, and many more have come and gone. The High Priestess is a melancholy sight to see her with always a coterie of Embers. Never more than six, never less than three, there have always been Embers to choose for The Shrine Guard. To this day the Guard have made it their objective to protect the Village in any way possible, lest they remind themselves as to why they were created in the first place...
Year of 921, Season of Heat, D70
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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Aug 18, 2024 15:39

I like how you explain the tasks of the four guardians and who they are. I'm really looking forward to you replacing the placeholders with their pictures. Nice article and sad story behind it.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 19, 2024 03:37

Well after reading your comment some many hours ago. I decided to actually put Ryhs' mental image on paper. Thank you for the motivation! I'm glad you liked the article, the Embers of the Mistwalkers hold a certain place in their society, and as you can see. A somewhat mixed feeling about them.

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Aug 19, 2024 16:50

Aww this is so beautiful and I'm happy to hear, that I was the motivator for this. Thank you.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 23, 2024 00:01 by Marjorie Ariel

"to hear her voice is to know what the ashes feel in the cooling inferno." "after the heartbreak had been cauterized but never allowed to heal." This article is filled with such beautiful prose. And what's more, the prose metaphors match the subject matter quite well. I love your pictures too.

Aug 24, 2024 02:49

I'm glad you like it! You might not know it, but I really needed that, thank you for putting a smile on my face! I try my best to be poetic when I can, I try to make it not sound forced or overdone. So I'm happy to hear this!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...
Aug 24, 2024 03:57 by Marjorie Ariel

Well, I'm glad it helped :D

Aug 25, 2024 22:05 by Mardrena Lockehart

6 feet tall? Dang these are some swole @$$ fae!!!

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
Aug 25, 2024 22:32

Lol you're the first person to comment on how big they actually are! I didn't mention it in either their ethnicity article or this one, but they have a wingspan ranging 8-10ft depending on how tall they are!

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...