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The Mahri were a nomadic tribe of elves that originated on the continent of Nog Hhreud. After decades of smaller conflicts with the tribes of men, the Mahri decided to leave the continent and search for a new home. They first traveled east and with the help of the tribes of the Ossen they constructed dozens of ships to sail the seas following the tales passed down by the elders. It was believed that Louksus the Bringer of the Moon hoped from island to island until he reached a land of nights longer that no other. After several weeks at sea they came across several large islands where some of the ships landed and set out to explore. Other ships continued east to see what lied further. They would come across an even larger island with a bay that had shorelines that stretched for miles. These islands would later be call the Spring Isles. The Mahri would come to thrive in the Spring Isles with fair weather that toped even the eastern coast of Nog Hhreud. Here the Mahri would expand to the dozens of the islands of the area where the warm days and long nights would further their connection to Louksus, bringer of the Moon.


Major language groups and dialects

The Mahri have kept their native tongue of Pangerian and have not developed any form of dialects regardless of their time and isolation from the mainland.

Shared customary codes and values

In the years since leaving the mainland, the Mahri have lost their connection to the forests, along with the values that came with it. While they still do hold respect for the forests and trees of the Spring Isles, they have come to have a closer connection to the islands and the waters in and around them. They do anything they can to keep the waters around their islands clean. they collect any non-natural debris or wreckage from the sea's and do not hunt any of the larger non predatorial creatures of the sea.

Common Dress code

Due to the warm weather of the islands, the Marhi wear thin clothing that are frequently abandoned on days where the sun shines longer than the rest. The women will commonly wear this dresses that are frequently see through. The men will often only wear loin cloths that are abandoned during deep water fishing. The Mahri embrace nudity and do not view it as an embarrassment.

Art & Architecture

Mahri architecture was originally wood framed as timber was common in Nog Hhreud. While timber was plentiful to the Spring Isles its forest were far smaller. The Mahri would alter their architecture to be a more sleeker wood framed home that required less timber. They would use what they learned from the Drav and use the small plentiful grain found on the slopes of the Spring Isles to create a grain paper for its walls. For the roofs they would use the large palm leaves that were common on the islands.

Foods & Cuisine

Fish and shellfish found in the waters of the Spring Isles are the main source of meat for the Mahri. The small grain native to the slopes of the hills also make up an important part of their diets. Fruits on the islands were less plentiful and are considered to be a delicacy saved for important or religious occasions.

Common Taboos


Any form of liquid or plant used to alter ones state of mind is looked down upon in the Spring Isles. Its considered an insult to the Old Gods to alter ones state of mind that was granted to you by the gods. This taboo has caused many issues with Ossen merchants who come and try and trade liquors or tobacco with the younger residents of the islands.


Slavery is forbidden in the Spring Isles. However, the Mahri have found that Company merchants will dock at smaller islands that are less inhabited to restock on food and water. Usually the smaller islands do not have enough of a military presence to enforce inspections of a ships cargo. This has led to extreme limitations to reputable Company Ships that try and dock at the Spring Isles.


Courtship Ideals

Mahri men will usually dive in the waters around their island is search of a pearl. They have found the deeper they dive the larger the pearls. He will then present this pearl to his intended brides mother. If the bride and the mother accepts the pearl then the brides family will hold onto the pearl until the ceremony. During this time they will bring the pearl to a craftsmen who will inlay it into a ring. The wedding ceremony is held at the beach where the whole island will come to celebrate. 

Mahri Complexion:

The Mahri have sun kissed skin that almost glimmers in the fading sun light. Their hair color ranges from all manners of brown. Their eye color ranges from brown to hazel. On the larger islands where Mahri have crossed bloodlines with others often lends them auburn or more blonde hair, however they have oddly kept their sun kissed skin color.  

Naming Traditions

Feminine Naming:

Alya, Intan, Siti, Zarina, Etc.

Masculine Naming:

Amri, Faisal, Mokhtar, Ruslan, Wira, Etc.

Family Names:

Family names within the Mahri usually will be in some reference to the moon or nighttime. While its is not common for families to share the same name, it is common for families form a differnt island to share names. They will often be referred to as the family of their certain island. Ex: Star's of the Wesi Island.

Night, Dawn, Moon, Star, Shadow, Etc.
Related Organizations

Estimated Mahri Population:
~2.6 Million

The Mahri are native to the Spring Isles but also have a large presence in the northern Isles of Sand. Outside of these two sets of Islands, the Mahri have a small presence in the Kingdom of Ossenia & the Esr Reidho nation. Any Mahri who stayed behind were eventually killed during the Blood Letting.

Gods & Deities

Louksus, Bringer of the Moon

The Mahri have long been followers of Louksus, bringer of the Moon, who they believes lives somewhere on the Spring Isles. Its believed that when he left the mainland, he hopped from island to island before settling in a cave where he has slept for thousands of years.


Since their time in the Spring Isles they have also come to worship the Susus. The Susus were giant sea turtles who were believed to have raised the Spring Isles, along with all the other islands of the world, from the depths of the sea at the request of Louksus to his sister Mari.

Cover image: by piotrdura


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Jan 3, 2023 15:14

Nice article! The details about the population and some of how they've changed as a culture were interesting.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2023 Reading Challenge.
Jan 5, 2023 23:35

Thank you for the feedback!