Everett Earhart Character in The Great River Basin | World Anvil
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Everett Earhart

Colonel Everett Earhart

Everett is the curious and enthusiastic commander of the Epsilon Regiment of the State Guard, and de facto director of the Fauno kai Flauro crew.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

While to her the good of humanity is an end, it is no secret she treats individual people as a means to it. She will sacrifice her team for a chance to observe the eating habits of a dangerous predator without a second thought, with the intent of learning about the species to ambush it later. However, her utilitiarianism has a limit. She will never risk herself or other valueble team members such as Cernunnos or Addar, unless she was reasonably confident they would survive. To her, they are more useful alive than sacrificed to some short term goal.   While she will order the ruthless slaughter of any species she deems a threat to civilization, she seems to be more sympathetic toward non-Conclave humans, as she views them as somewhat related to the Conclave's konstruantos such as herself.

Personality Characteristics


"No great discoveries were ever made by staying on the marked path" -Everett Earhart
  Valuing the welfare of humankind above all else, she put her hobby of exploration and scientific investigation at use by writing Fauno kai Flauro, a manual on the dangers of The Wilds. She hopes her experiences will serve to warn others about what they can expect when heading off outside the settlements.

Likes & Dislikes

"You are a creature of great beauty, and should never hide" -Everett distracting a particularly shy kervicapra, right before Cernunnos shoots it in the back.
  Everett's fascination with everything in the natural world is not to be confused with Nature worship. She would very much rather see the world covered by a cityscape, and when that happens, her job will be done. Until then, she takes to the wilderness where she can put her skills at use discovering weak points to exploit in Natura's defenses.   She likes the color blue, authority, and interesting ecosystems to later destroy. She dislikes feeling powerless, but can't help but admiring the destructive potential of great lightning storms. She just enjoys lightning and electricity in general.


Everett Earhart

Consort (Vital)

Towards Athena Acropolita



Athena Acropolita

Consort (Vital)

Towards Everett Earhart



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Commander of the Epsilon Regiment
Currently Held Titles
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
As an officer of the Ministry of Diplomacy, she is well versed in many Analogic languages and dialects, besides Spanish and Esperanto.

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