Srugan - The Walking Mountains Species in The Great Library | World Anvil
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Srugan - The Walking Mountains

Be...not...afraid...liiiitle ooooone...We...are...nooooo...danger tooooo...yooooour...kind...Just...try to...remain...where...I can...easily...see...yoooou.
— Ton-Mor, King of the Storm Giants
Dvergar is a world of mountains. Peaks of majestic beauty and terrible from that pierce the sky. And sometimes they even seem to move. It will often take a second look for the viewer to realise that it was a Giant they observed. A rare honor these days.  

Made by the Storm

  In a twist of irony, it was the wildest and most brutal of the Gods that made the giants. The Bringer of Storms wanted his children to be close to him, yet refrained from creating flying being for some reason. Old myths claim that the Crow had something to do with that and some of the oldest giants still talk of their "winged siblings", but the truth is hidden behind the veil of millennia.   Instead of wings, the Stormbringer decided on making the tallest of all the Children and further imbued them with a love for the high peaks. When it came to lifespan, he had to make a tough choice, however, for the other Kaeni would not tolerate a race that was too strong when compared to their offspring.   He had to give them a disadvantage and decided to instead slow their speed. He did not think his decision through and limited both their mental and physical speed. And so the Giant has remained ever since. Tall, incredibly powerful, ancient and slow.  

Walking Mountains

  Giants come in a few varieties that all share the same basic build. Two arms and legs, one head complete with mouth, nose, eyes and ears. However, the number of eyes can differ with some having only one while others sport over a dozen. The strangest aspect of a Giant, other than their proportions, is their skin. Usually the colour of stone, it is thick and seems to consist of a mixture of earth, horn and flesh. It looks like a miniature mountainrange of sorts with its own peaks and valleys.   They do not seem to be able to feel anything with their skin, be it pain or pleasant things. The Goblins, ever the scheming opportunists, have taken advantage of that with many tribes having build their villages on and in the bodies of Giants.   They keep them clean, free of parasites and plant growth, in return for home and shelter. Giants are slow to notice things not directly affecting them. Unless you talk to them, they will probably not notice you, even if you were the same size as them. Plants and parasites work too slow to be noticed in time by a Giant.   Exceptions to this are states of rage or religious fervor. The latter occurs during great storms when Giants will seek to bathe in the power of their progenitor. They seem to be able to predict whenever a storm will occur and that months in advance. When one occurs, they will gather in greater numbers and observe a number of strange rituals involving throat singing and rythmic movements.  

They do travel in Heards

  The way Giant society is sturctured can best be compared to that of the wild donkey. Giants tend to be loaners and remain by themselves for most of their lives. Other than during the occurence of heavy storms, the only event Giants gather for are procreation and migration. When and how the former occurs is unknown, and even the specifics are unclear, the matter of where there are male and female giants being a hotly disputed topic among scholars.   The latter on the other hand is a well studied topic for its consequences can be devastating. If a mountain range becomes uninhabitable for Giants, be it through tectonic or volcanic activity, they will gather in large groups and seek out the next best range.   Which means that up to a hundred Giants will move at the same time. The shaking of the earth alone is enough to destroy any castle or city, even those build by Dwarves, but worse are the roars. Giants are capable of speaking in the tongues of others, albeit it in a painfully slow manner, but will use roars to communicate with each other. These are powerful enough to echo across vast distances but will be amplified with a growing number of giants. When migrating, Giants will call out to their brethren in other ranges, the large number of calls combining into a veritable storm of sound that can rip cities apart and deafen people up to a hundred kilometres away.   Combined with the damage done by their travel, this makes Giant Migrations feared events and the New Order has a corps of decidated scholar-soldiers keeping watch for any sign of an impending migration.
They aren't fast that much is true. But a single swing of their arms may break a small mountain and their roar could tear the flesh of your bones. So I'd be careful when treating with them.
— Valrik Soundstrike, Dvergari General
The Bringer of Storms
300 - 1000 years
Average Height
Related Myths
All Kinds of Giants  
While Giants are mostly solitary, they do follow a hierarchy. Each mountain range has its own Giant King. These Kings, although Elders would probably be more accurate, are the oldest and wisest of the group. Their powers are limited to a degree, seeing as they only take effect in case of war or migration. However, other Giants may still seek their advice at all times. This means that whenever the other races have need to negotiate about one matter or another, they will turn toward to Elders.   Age   Age is the other great question concerning giants. And like with reproduction, no one is really sure how to answer it. Giants themselves are rather cryptic on the matter, their slow perception making them see time in a different way. Some will claim to have lived through the Age of Discord, others may state that they were born yesterday.   The end result is a confusing mess. One method that has born some fruit is the counting via Goblin generations. A rather new method, it currently sees the oldest Giant at ten Goblin generations. Some scholars will admit that this method has only added to the confusion, however.
Would it make you feel better, if you knew my reasons? I doubt they will. Because there is no reason. I despise Giants and kill them. That is all.
— The Giant Killer
  Hunter of Mountains  
One of the most mysterious and feared beings in Dvergar's history is the one they call "Hunter of Mountains". A warrior of unknown origin, they seemed bent on eradicating every Giant in Dvergar. Countless Giants fell by their hands throughout the 1600s NO. In a grisly show of their accomplishments, they displayed the corpses of slain Giants on pikes erected throughout the land. After 1678 NO, the Giant Killer disappeared as mysteriously as they had appeared.

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Cover image: by Eytan Zana


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