The New Village Crown Ship Castle
The New Village Crown Ship Castle is a drinking establishment, opium den, and vegetarian barbecue. They have daily live music, including the famous open mike night on Tuesdays, Karaoke Wednesday, and Thrash Thursdays
Most mind-altering substances can be acquired here, but they don't serve any meat or animal-based intoxicants. The proprietor, Jiny Tescue has been lifelong dedication to both vegetarianism and every kind of drug and alcohol in existence.
Music schedule
Sunday - Singer-Songwriter
Monday - Bard-nalia
Tuesday - Open Mike
Wednesday - Karaoke
Thursday - Thrash, Metal, Emo, and Orc Rock
Friday - Rotating Band
Saturday - Electronic Etherial
This is a two-story wood and stone framed building, with a raised stage at the far end of the main floor. The second floor is composed mostly of a wrap-around balcony overlooking the stage and the main level. There are two primary bars on the main level, and another bar on the veranda level. The second level features several private rooms for hire.
The basement has latrines, keg storage, the kitchens, and the opium pit
The outside of the building features the bar's famous sign, which is composed of the scavenged remains of the signs of every Irish and English-style pub building that has ever been gulped into the free city