Sphaera Caelestialis Telis Geographic Location in The Fourth Age of Tel | World Anvil

Sphaera Caelestialis Telis

The world of Tel is situated within its own celestial sphere. "Tel" being the Common Rexan term; other cultures having different names for their shared home. For example, the Xianese refer to world as "Nítǔxīng. (All cosmological terms will be given in the Rexan.) Tel has a variety of biomes, from glacier-covered wastes, to humid jungles teeming with life. Tel has two moons: Chalkopa and Argyropa. The astrologers of Tel conceptualize the cosmos as consisting of an infinite number of celestial spheres suspended in a medium of transparent luminiferous aether. Tel sits at the center of its sphere, with the other ceestial objects rotating around it, serving as the axis coeli. Beyond Tel and its two moons lie the planets Serma, Atra, Euria, and Gelus. The planets are illuminated by the star Aelos, which sits between Kalon and Atra The most prominent fixed stars in the outermost sphere are arranged into the 12 constellations that form the Rexan zodiac.


"Known" Tel is composed of three continents: Ione, Aerisca, and Aeolia. Dhenia is a large sub-continental peninsula that bridges Ione, Aerisca, and Aeolia a together as one giant landmass. The three continents are surrounded by a vast ocean known as the Okianos. If anything exists beyond the Okianos, no one of this age has knowledge of it.

Chalkopa and Argyropa

Chalkopa is the closer of the two moons and is slightly larger than Argyropa. Chalkopa's synodic period is 24 days, and its surface appears to have a somewhat coppery appearance. Argyropa's synodic period is 32 days in length, and its surface has a silvery color. Approximately every 3 months, Chalkopa and Argyropa will be in a full moon phase together for two nights. In the calendar of the Ouranic Church, this is a solemn event known as "Ator's Eyes Open," when individuals believe their conduct is judged by Ator. The Ouranic Church teaches that the two moons of Tel are actually the Ator's eyes, as he plucked out his own eyeballs so that he might always watch over Tel so no one will escape justice. Ouranics will fall in supplication before the shrines of Maya, Goddess of Love and Mercy to ask for her blessing to temper her husband's stern judgement. Additionally, those who believe they have experienced a wrong will ask Ator to give his blessing for any acts of vengeance they may take.


The star that provides life-giving heat and illumination to Tel is Aelos. Aelos is revered by many peoples of Tel. It is known to the Khemites as the god An-Hedjet, the chief deity of the Khemite pantheon; while the Rexans and Eknoi believe that Aelos is the offspring of the twin deities, Eion (Goddess of the Horizon) and Edius (God of Fire). It is believed that Aelos only stays in the sky for part of the day as he must hide in fear from Xidohros, the God of Darkness and Night, who was outraged by Eion and Edius's incestuous act. Prophets foretell that Xidohros will eventually catch Aelos on the last day of the Fifth Age, and Aelos's destruction will usher in the omnipresent and eternal darkness of the Six Age.


Serma is the planet that is closest to Aelos. Those sages learned enough to be able to scry the surface of Kalon with their far-sight crystals report that Serma is a barren volcanic world that burns under the baneful glare of Aelos. The physicians of Tel believe that Serma acts upon the gallbladder of creatures, making them display an aggressive and choleric temperament.


Atra lies further away from Aelos. It is a dark and cloudy world of which little is known as the cloud cover does not permit scryers to penetrate the atmosphere. The Nar believe the souls of the deceased are situated in eternal slumber under the clouds of Atra. The procession of Atra across the skies act upon the black bile and produces a melancholic temperament.


Beyond Atra is Euria, the crimson planet. From the viewpoint of Tel, Euria appears to be covered in red leafed jungles and humid clouds hang low in the sky. Some sages believe that animal life may exist on Euria as well. Euria is believed to affect the blood, producing a sanguine temperament in individuals.


Gelus is the last planet. It is covered in green clouds and appears to be a world of frost and snow. Not much is known about this mysterious world. It is thought that Gelus affects the brain and lungs of individuals, inducing a phlegmatic temperament.

The Zodiac

Beyond the planets lie the sphere of stars beyond number. The most prominent of these stars have been arranged into constellations that circle the horizon of the night sky, forming a "belt". Based on the position of Chalkopa relative to one of these constellations, each month is said to have a zodiacal sign. Starting from the month of Eion, the zodiac consists of Dinosaurus, Bubalus, Machairodontus, Canis, Hydra, Latrodectus, Mammuthus, Aquila, Draco, Serpens, Scorpio, and Unicornis.

Solar System
Location under

Cover image: by Lleij Schwartz