Yurnith's Fall Geographic Location in The Four Evers | World Anvil

Yurnith's Fall

Yurnith's Fall is a large continent to the south and is the birthplace and home of the majority of the worlds dragons. The continent is actually the ancient body of the titanic dragon god Yurnith, the ancestor of all dragons in this world.


Yurnith's Fall is a varied continent containing rocky volcanos and lava fields near the western region of "the head", a huge region of tropical rainforest with many strange and exotic draconic creatures near the neck, and thousands of miles of desert nearer the center far from any water source.

Localized Phenomena

Yurnith's Fall is home to The Everfire at the mouth of Yurnith. Where her mouth meets the sea, a constant bellowing of steam obsures much of the area in thick fog. Every so often, a large fire elemental appears from the fog leading many to believe that her mouth may actually be a portal to the elemental plane of fire.


Many hundreds of thousands of years ago, Yurnith, the titanic dragon god and original owner of this world fought Rainor for control and lost her life. From her dead body erupted the original dragons, one of each colour, metal and gem who would become the progenitor and leader of their respective races.
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of Dragons
Included Locations
Included Organizations


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