Mother's Keepers Organization in The Four Evers | World Anvil

Mother's Keepers

Mother's Keepers are a group of red dragons who guard The Everfire under the command of the Red Dragon King Tchazzar that believe that it is their sacred duty to protect the last vesages of Yurnith's power.   Following the defeat and death of the previous Red Dragon King, Tchazzar, quickly started to take control of Yurnith's Fall believing that he and his red kin were the true incarnations of Yurnith's will with an almost religious fervor. Once most of the continent had fallen to Red Dragon rule, the Red Dragon King Tchazzar brought together a group of Red Dragons, calling them Mother's Keepers to protect The Everfire from any outsiders.   The mouth of Yurnith containing The Everfire was previously a site of pilgrimage for many dragons who wanted to feel a little of their progenitor's ancient power but after his rise to power, newly appointed Red Dragon King Tchazzar commanded his followers, mostly consisting of adult red dragons and red Dragonborn to attack and kill anyone who would come near to this ancient power.   A few years after declaring The Everfire off-limits, some archivists from Eaglecliff University petitioned Tchazzar to allow them to access to The Everfire for research and study. The simple act of asking enraged Tchazzar and the archivists were immediately killed before heading to the University with the intent to burn the flying school from the sky. It was only thanks to the intervention of the Gold Dragon King Larendrammagar gifting Tchazzar some of his own hoard in recompense that his rage was sated.   Ever since, The Mother's Keepers have made clear that they will not allow anyone, be it dragon or mortal, anywhere near The Everfire. Sometimes they will take mortals living on Yurnith's Fall who show devotion to Tchazzar and transform them into Dragonborn to be used as foot soldiers for the cause.   Recently, Tchazzar has demanded that any Ancient Red Dragons abandon their lairs and join Mother's Keepers in protecting The Everfire, some believe that this to keep an eye on them in case any other Ancient Red Dragons try to become a Greatwyrm to challenge him. Forcing the normally solitary and prideful creatures into such close proximity has caused much infighting.
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