Cailan Character in The Forgotten Realms | World Anvil
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A lively young bard in vibrant attire whose skill in the art of song and dance leaves little to be desired.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cailan sports an average build that frequently borders on lean, due to how much of his time is spent traveling. It's not often a traveling bard is treated to a full meal in the days spent between venues.

Body Features

Cailan is an anthropomorphic wolf humanoid, his kind likely originating from some offshoot of wild animals who spent too long in the Feywild. His legs are digitigrade, ending in paws, whilst his hands are an odd mix between a typical man's hand and a wolf's paw bearing pads and blunt nails. He sports a mane of sorts which he's been growing since he was a teen, which he's adorned with trinkets, baubles, and other various decorations such as beads, coins and metal rings and caps.

Facial Features

His fur pattern forms a sort of mask over his snout and upper face, interrupted by eyebrow spots.

Apparel & Accessories

Cailan is dressed in a finely woven blue wool coat and red woolen scarf which he occasionally doubles as a sash. He is otherwise dressed plainly in a loose long-sleeve shirt and knee pants held up by a leather belt.
His accessories are many. He often wears a small leather pouch on a string around his neck, bears blue earrings low on his ears, and most recently a turquoise necklace is bared prominently at his chest.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cailan was most likely born in Caer Callidyrr of the Moonshae Isles, having been raised in an orphanage for as long as he could remember. His youth was spent much the same as any other orphan; in a flock of children, being looked after by the matron and the older kids. It was there he learned to read and write, had his head filled with the stories of Moonshae, and met his first and best friend; Aldeyr. Aldeyr was child to a moderately wealthy family who actively funded the orphanage, the pair meeting during a routine visit of Aldeyr’s family to check on the state of things. They clicked near immediately, becoming fast friends who were soon known to be nearly inseparable. As they grew, they found themselves yearning for some sort of excitement life beyond their usual play and banter. Forgoing the usual curiosity of Cailan’s origins and Aldeyr’s studies at home, the pair instead favored the endless mischief they could get up to within the city’s walls. It didn’t take long for them start getting into trouble. Over the years they racked up a long list of numerous petty crimes such as pickpocketing, thievery, gambling, and vandalism – casually skirting the edge of doing anything serious skillfully. They reveled in the thrill and the reactions they’d get during their hijinks, at the end of the day always returning home to be loving and supportive members of their respective families, Cailan as a big brother to most of his peers in the orphanage, and Aldeyr as a beloved only child of his parents. As the pair grew into adolescents, naturally their interests shifted towards what they considered to be bigger game, and therefore more excitement and glory; the various rival merchants and upper class folks to Aldeyr’s family. The pair and their friend group escalated to burglaries and even a handful of muggings. It only stopped when one of their little heists went horridly wrong, ending with Cailan falling out of a two story window with a knife in his back upon being caught, with everyone in their friend group scattering and leaving him there besides Aldeyr. After that incident he and Aldeyr swore to never do such things again; no pickpocketing, no mugging, no burglary, no getting into fights. Generally, don’t get into trouble. Don’t give their loved ones reasons to worry, that one day they wouldn’t come home. They made their promises without hesitating, knowing their family was right; enough was enough. After this the pair lacked a surefire way to have some excitement in their lives. With nothing better to do, the pair settled on perusing the various taverns and inns the city had to offer. They spent many nights over the course of those following months; gambling, drinking, generally being the annoying patrons in any such establishment. That is until Cailan’s ear was caught by a bard. Though he never learned the man’s name, he was inspired by their music, and set out to learn for himself. For the next two years Cailan learned the trade of a bard, hopping from inn to tavern to bar, honing his craft with his friend. They made memories those two years. Gallivanting around the city, performing duets, riling crowds. They loved it, or so Cailan thought.   Everything seemed perfect to Cailan. Every day spent supporting his family by doing what he loved with his friend at his side. That is, until he learned of Aldeyr’s growing boredom with Caer Callidyrr on one of their late-night walks about the city streets. Aldeyr planned to join a mercenary company in a few months. He aimed at a fresh start, longing for a life of adventure with a whole world to go see. Cailan found himself shocked and disheartened, realizing his friend wanted to move on. He withdrew from their company for weeks before coming to the realization that they both still had some growing to do; he needed to let go, and they needed to go. So Cailan decided to follow their lead. After a brief discussion with Aldeyr to let them know he approved and wished them well, he told them he’d be doing the same, and making his way to the Sword Coast on his own soon. The pair spent one last night of revelry with those they loved a few weeks after making their big announcement to their family. They were given gifts to help them on their travels; Cailan his coat and sabre, Aldeyr a coat of chainmail and a longsword. They were sent on their way following warm goodbyes and shed tears. Since, Cailan’s wandered up and down the Sword Coast, wanderlust burning in his heart as strongly as his desire to go back home and see his loved ones again, and possibly track down Aldeyr’s whereabouts.

Gender Identity

He identifies as Male.




Cailan acquired a standardized education while in the orphanage. He knows how to read and write in common, basic arithmetic, and critical thinking skills. He can speak and read Sylvan fluently, and knows dozens of songs and stories from Moonshae as a result of his immersion in the land's culture, give or take a handful of foreign tales and songs from those visiting his home city.


Cailan is currently unemployed, mostly earning his keep by playing music for food and lodging at inns, or for coin in taverns or whatever other places he can.

Accomplishments & Achievements

-He's become an expert player of the fiddle after years of use and practice.
-He displays a similar level of skill with song and dance.
-Successful pickpocket and burglar, at one time.

Failures & Embarrassments

-He's regrets leaving everyone and everything he once knew behind to pursue a life of adventure and travel.
-He's ashamed of his criminal history, specifically a certain incident in which he was caught and wounded.
-His personal relationships, especially his attempts at romance, are often messy at best due to his own actions.

Mental Trauma

Cailan suffers from a major lack of confidence. He's not inclined to believe praise is genuine, nor does he believe any relationships will be long lasting. He also tries to avoid making canine sounds such as whimpers and whines, due to being teased for it by his peers while growing up.

Intellectual Characteristics

He's a savant when it comes to music, being able to play most songs by ear. However due to the way music is taught in Moonshae, Cailan cannot read traditional sheet music.

Morality & Philosophy

Cailan believes that government should serve the people and not the other way around. This means when push comes to shove, he will break the law if he believes it's for the greater good.


Don't touch him without asking, and don't touch his fiddle.

Personality Characteristics


While he isn't fond of being seen as a stereotypical bard, Cailan lives for making people smile with his performances. If he can, he will try to help those he thinks needs it.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He can easily pick up a tune with his fiddle, learn a dance, or recite a story from memory. Though struggles to compose original works of most kinds. While a good speaker, Cailan's poor self-esteem often prevents him from making use of his silver-tongue.


Cailan tries his best to keep himself clean if given the opportunity, though he's been known to get his coat and fur dusty regularly.


Contacts & Relations

A few tavern and inn owners from Caer Callidyrr would likely recognize him.

Family Ties

His family consisted of the other orphans in his children's home, as well as the orphanage's Matron who he views as a mother figure.

Religious Views

Cailan pays worship to the Earthmother for good weather due to being raised in Moonshae, Selune for protection when he sleeps under the open sky or travels, and lliira for inspiration and guidance for his bardic career.

Social Aptitude

In reality he's socially adept, though he doesn't believe himself to be so.


On stage or whilst performing he exudes confidence and charm, his every moment deliberate and precise yet flowing with a smooth ease. When he's not performing Cailan is quiet and withdrawn, bearing a sorrowful demeanor that borders on sullen at times.

Hobbies & Pets

When idle he likes to read, tune his fiddle, or hum under his breath.


Cailan bares a clear accent denoting his origins in Moonshae (Irish), and often slips in and out of how heavy this comes across.



Party Member (Trivial)

Towards Kohvneir Lorfras



Kohvneir Lorfras

Party Member (Trivial)

Towards Cailan



Nicknames & Petnames

Little Wolf, Drake/Kohv.

Relationship Reasoning

Circumstance has forced them to fight through Daggerford's countryside.

Wealth & Financial state


A young rogue trying to make his way in the world - as a bard.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
29th of Tarsakh, 1456 DR is his chosen date.
Caer Callidyrr
Current Residence
He's a Wanderer
River Blue
Brown & Cream
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
His fur is a mix of rich brown with a cream underbelly
170 lb.
Known Languages
He knows Common, Thieves' Cant, and Sylvan, as well as a few phrases of Elvish and Halfling.


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