The Grand Concord Document in The Five Realms | World Anvil
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The Grand Concord

The Grand Concord is a series of treaties that have kept the Coastal Realms at peace with each other for 40 years.   The Concord is comprised of three separate documents; the central realms compact, the southern compact, and the northern compact. Each compact comprises a non-aggression and mutual defense treaties between different duchies.   These compacts require recertification by the participating sovereigns every fifteen years. All of the compacts are up for renewal within the next four years.   Talk of war and conflict are spreading throughout the coastal realms as these dates approach.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Vellum / Skin
Ratification Date
47th of Autina, 466 AL
Signatories (Characters)

Cover image: Creek River by Free-Photos from Pixabay


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