Coloniate System in The Ferrarian Universe | World Anvil
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Coloniate System

The Coloniate System was the name for the method of government used in the Repuvian military colonies in Calatasshone. Each colony was independently governed by a Commander-Ekattan and his Righteous Soldiers. The colonies had their own laws, armies, and navies, creating localised monopolies on violence. This made the colonies adaptable and resilient to Sourian raids.   The Coloniate System eventually encompassed 32 colonies, spread across several islands in the north of the archipelago. The colonies were established in two waves, the first beginning after the destruction of Tasine and Bollo in the Snakefire Insurrection and ending in 702 PT. The second wave began after the defeat of the in 740 PT and arrival of migrants from @Belovia and continued until 850 PT, at the beginning of the Calatasshone Civil War. Some colonies established sub-colonies on other islands to extend their reach and remove surplus population.   Along with the colonial system, there was also an Osgaun penal colony in the archipelago that the colonies used to provide penal labour.   Each colony had its own Laucon, with Cl Adan holding Calatasshone Sollarium, a marketplace, a harbour (although some colonies shared harbour facilities with each other), extensive fields and fisheries, a mustering field, a hospital, barracks complexes and apartments, a governing hall, a grand chamber (used exclusively by the nobility), and warehouses.   Most colonies had a noble class that was interrelated and intermarried. The nobility were descended from the paid knights of the Repuvian Knights and so were styled as baronets. Each baronetcy paid for the upkeep of four lay settlers each year, but over time these obligation varied between each colony or were waived entirely.   The Coloniate System faced competition from the Calatasshone Trading Company and was undermined from within by the Calatassi United Council. Eventually, the system was replaced by the commandery system of the Naval Commandery of Calatasshone.  

List of Colonies



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