Atramancy Spell in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Atramancy, also called atrakinesis, or simply ink magic, is a class of magic involving the manipulation and weaponization of ink. It is a subclass of artemancy.


Atramancy is mainly used as a weapon or a tool, as well as for companionship.

Side/Secondary Effects

Drenching oneself in ink is a common beginner's mistake. As ink can be toxic to ingest or to introduce to the body, medical overwatch is sometimes necessary.


The manifestation of atramancy varies by spell, but across all spells, the main indication is ink.


Atramancy is commonly drawn from either the user's internal magic pool, or the ambient magic around them. Ink must be present for the magic to work.


Atramancy has existed for several hundred years. Humans were the first documented users. Elves dispute this fact, but as their society is mostly solitary, no documented evidence exists to support this claim.
Material Components
Atramancers must have a source of ink to perform their magic. Even ink that has already dried can be reused by atramancers, however, water must be reintroduced to the ink beforehand.
Gestures & Ritual
Varies by spell
Related School
Related Element
Water, poison
Effect Duration
Varies by spell
Effect Casting Time
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Applied Restriction
Atramancers cannot perform their magic without a source of ink. They also cannot perform magic in antimagic-saturated zones.