Artemancy Spell in The Fantasy Nexus | World Anvil


Artemancy, also called artekinesis or simply art magic, is a class of magic involving the manipulation and weaponization of art.


Artemancy has many uses, such as for companionship, as a weapon, as a tool, or to heal.

Side/Secondary Effects

The most common side effects are associated with artemancers that haven't yet mastered their craft — on a non-magical level. Poor drawings or sketches can result in unpredictable results, and should the art be brought to life, it may go on a rampage or have disastrous consequences. For this reason, many artemancers spend time mastering non-magical art before attempting to bring it to life.


The manifestation of artemancy varies by the spell.


The magical portion of artemancy is drawn from either the user's own magical pool or from the ambient magic around them. Artemancers require art supplies and an art medium to perform their magic, as well.


Artemancy has been in play since ancient times, so tracing its origin is difficult. However, it is known that among the first users, elves were prominent.
Material Components
To perform their magic, artemancers require art tools and a medium.
Gestures & Ritual
Varies by spell
Related School
Related Element
Effect Duration
Varies by spell
Effect Casting Time
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Varies by spell
Applied Restriction
Artemancy does not extend to digital mediums — to bring their creations to life requires both a technomancer and artemancer working in tandem. Therefore, many artemancers rely on traditional, physical mediums.