Woodland Fae community Settlement in The Faery Realm | World Anvil

Woodland Fae community

Deep in the Forest, far from The Fair and the different courts, is where the woodland fae make their homes. They owe no allegiance to each other, but live in clusters of cabins scattered among the trees. Each of them claims as much space as they can develop and defend from the forest and the creatures who live in there.  


  They want to live free from the constraints of the courts, but they also need to be close enough to the fair, at the centre, to visit and trade there. Even for those who are self-sufficient, they don't want to venture too deep into the forest due to the risks of darker creatures living there. Each fae finds the place they require, balancing their fears of the courts, or the Faerie creatures deep in the forest.   This leads to an assymetrical ring of dwellings further out from the courts. Often groups of cabins form near where there is an abundance of something useful. For example, many of them live close to the forest pools so they have a water source. There are also hobnut trees claimed by the woodland fae and shared between them.   Other times, certain fae wish to live alone, far from others, and they discourage others from settling too close. Herne's house stands almost alone, as his position as Huntsman scares others off from living too close to him. Though distances are complicated as locations in the forest vary over time.      


  The woodland fae are proud and initially distrustful of everyone. They want to do everything themselves and are wary of others. Even among themselves, they limit their dependence on others. Due to their lack of contact with the court fae, their needs and struggles are ignored by the Conclave of the Yews.   While they do value their freedom, some choose to join the courts, giving that up for the security being part of one of the courts grants them. Once they've taken that step to pledge allegiance to one of the courts, it is hard for them to return to living in the forest.

Cover image: by Stock photo purchased from DepositPhotos


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