Wastes Geographic Location in the Fae Realm | World Anvil
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The Wastes are a desolate land where no life can survive or grow. They are inhabited solely by a small community of outcasts from Ryren Thalor, in a nameless shanty town that borders the Red Sea.
No beasts or creatures roam the land, no plants grow. There are no weather systems with the exception of an occasional fog that rolls in and blankets the entire area.
The outcasts and exiled Plains Fae that live in the only settlement are seen as criminals and lowlifes and whilst some are, others are merely those who disagreed with the Golden Council and paid the price.
The residents regularly travel through the Red Sea to reach the coasts where they trade whatever they have managed to scavenge for the basic supplies they need to live.


The Wastes came into existence when the Seelie and Unseelie Queens met to end the war on their own. Upon their deaths, their power exploded out much as it had when their father died. But where the Mad King's death shattered the continent, the Queens destroyed the landscape of the lonely plains where they had chose to meet.
From the Unseelie Queen, death and decay ricochet from her body creating the Wastes.
And from the Seelie Queen, pure heat and warmth burned the very land and made the Red Sea.

After their deaths, the Plains Fae retracted their claim to both lands and effectively cut their territory in half.


No one willingly travels to the wastes. Those that have to do so are a result of being exiled from Ryren Thalor.
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