Thealló of the East Strea Character in The Evergreen | World Anvil
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Thealló of the East Strea

Thealló Réus Amoní sra Vreadonna

The Herald of Dusk

Few names have ever sunk into the tides of Koldairn history so readily, engraining themselves wholly into its people. Cea Murradis d'Rosè, the Gulf of Roses, has known many saints, heard of so-called heroes. They who call to the world to guide it's faithful. Champion the tenets of Eathrosèni to slaughter pagans. Or cling to the church to find comfort and peace. The Aus has seen all who would walk the path of 'Thealló.' Conqueror, healer, scholar. But none who would wear its mantle so earnestly. Listen to the Breath so faithfully.  
'sra Vreadonna Réus Amoní'

Bastard Prince of Ua'Soarelia.

While known to most as the bastard prince who rejected the Ua'Soarelia, Thealló Réus II is the 13th Saint of the Church of Third Autumn, the most powerful man in all of East Koldairn. Cea Murradis d'Rosè (The Gulf of Roses), Lla Seude (The South), and Cea Qrentsúra (The Dusklands). They all fall under the Theallo's power, blessed children under the Eathrosèn doctrine. Koldairn's second-largest faith of ditheistic spiritualism.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

sra Vreadonna?
As a Nuabil auVrei, The Thealló's ties to Clan Ua'Soarelia are well known.   Found under the blessed light of Gwèun on the 11th of Jana, (-520 B.A.), at Mielia's Abbey, a small parish of Maron dSoméra, in the city of Rea Aríu. He, like many Ynellian children there, was thought to have been abandoned, an illegitimate child or possibly orphan of the raging Iathro-Qren Unification wars. Something quite common at the time. And yet, this babe was left with a pendant shaped like a blooming Aurrion. And a note, holding a single word.  
Amoní, "he of harmonious desires."
A name strictly Eathrosèn in origin. Thus the boy was taken in, washed up, and raised by priestesses of the abbey. For more than twenty years, he lived among the orphans of Mielia, learning the runes of Preillian, grew up singing the Hymn of Soarela. He was taught the ways Eathrosèni and bore the mark of Rea. The children knew him there as 'Réus,' "the river that would not bellow." It was even at Mielia, where he received his blooding. All his life, he was simply Réus don Mielia, a pupil of Eathrosèni.  
However, on his 23rd birthday, things changed.
  On his way to worship, the head priest, Athae Thorín, called on him. There, Father Thorín introduced Réus to a nuabil. A Ynellian named Şefan Reaos don Vreadonna. On that day, Réus learned the meaning of the pendant he wore day and night. And of his birth name. For he, Réus Amoní, was a man of Vreadonna, bastard of Şefan.


Thealló- "the saintly one; herald."
After nearly 500 years of religious strife, ethnic disputes, and harrowing bloodshed, Réus II rose as the Thealló of Aus Strea in the year 1130 FO (-369 B.A.), seven years after the end of the Eathro-Qren Unification wars of 1000 FO. His hallowing, marking the first time in the history of Cea Murradis d'Rosè, that a Marrízian has worn the mantle of Thealló. But the fourth Ynellian to do so.   Though, it was not long before that Réus was a Sqavallaèr Tsúre. A Knight of Dusk, serving alongside the church in its war of unification. For nearly three decades, Réus traveled the forests of Qrentsúra with his faithful brothers and sisters. He, healing the fallen in Yirval, and striking the heart of sin in Vreoa Iorre.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Thealló don Tsúre, the Herald of Dusk
So unlike his predecessor before him. Réus II did not earn his title before his hallowing. The most common motif of those deemed worthy of becoming Thealló. Like Réus I, the Seude Mhana, who warred with the Cothairne of Dymer. Or Thealló Olviana, 'the White Mother,' who led the Trújan Chavs into Marríz. In fact, while lengthy, his contributions to the war were quite meager.   Instead, Réus became renowned for his beliefs. And more so, his philosophy. Unlike most of Quen Koldairn, the people of the Aus did worship. Eiuna, Iastreal, and Soare, these spirits were revered. And Faeries, they who once lived between the Veil, were admired. To most, like the Marrízians, death was not something feared but honored. Children grew up on stories of great heroes. Those washed of their suffering, living anew. Pitiful wraiths, trapped in rotting shells, lived forever severed from the Pale. Or beloved rogues, mages who saw the Abyss, and returned as kings.   Réus took all of this culture and bottled it. Sewing aspects brilliantly into Eathrosèni doctrine.

Morality & Philosophy

Three Roots
"By the roots did dawn come, the progenitors three. Sowing too, the laws that nature be." -Réus II
In Koldairn folklore, Soare, Eiuna, and Iastreal were the first spirits of the White Tree. The Sun, Moon, and Stars. It was they who planted the seeds of the new universe. Réus accepted this as truth. And yet, posed that each spirit embodied certain aspects of our world.
  • Eiuna, worshipped by the Qrentsèe and Yirians, is the Mother of Sleep, Rebirth, and Ethereal Harmony. She heralds the end of eras, the death of kingdoms, life's twilight, and renewal.
  • Soare, worshipped by the Iathrosèe and Marrízians, is the Father of Being, Luck, and Earthly Virtue. He heralds the beginning of eras, the affluence of kingdoms, life's flame, and tenacity.
  • Iastreal, worshipped by the Seudèe and Anrish, is the Bearer of Sapience, Law, and Eternal Will. They herald the transition of eras, the authority of kingdoms, life's radiance, and wisdom.
"Her sigil is that of a crescent, an azure wraith nuzzled around its center. Eiuna and her child. This is the hallowed mark of Her faithful, branded on my flesh." - Réus II
"The Bow and Blossom" was created by Vyni Iuliana, in 1165 FO. A crescent moon with an azure wraith at its center, it was commissioned by the Church of Third Autumn, a first in a series of Iathro-Marrízian works of Nèlledic symbolism. It was said to represent Eiuna's Understanding.   As the War of Faith came to an end, the War of Crowns had only just begun. For most people of the Seude and Murradis d'Rosè, it was just another sign that faith and magick did not mix. Yet Réus thought otherwise.   Magick was a way of life to the Koldairn, more so than faith. Réus knew this, and so he looked to symbols.
"Expression is faith," they who based their belief in creativity, displayed their loyalty to the world.
Sage marks were solely Ynellian in origin and culture, magick born of expression. Réus, himself, even bore many sigils on his arms and neck.
So, why not faith?


Family Ties

Clan Ua'Soarelia
Divine Classification
Current Location
Date of Birth
11th of Jana, -512 B.A.
Year of Birth
512 B.C.W 511 Years old
Rea Aríu
Other Affiliations
"Soare's symbol, however, would be that of a haggard blade, lodged into the earth. A sweet redthorn, its new hilt." -Réus II


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