Communion Wreath Item in The Everglowing Forest | World Anvil
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Communion Wreath

When the Oracle speaks, all ears are listening and all mouths are silent. The Oryms respect the Oracle as much as they respect Tarath. That's probably why the Oracle has no political power. If, as I do, you're wondering why the Oryms have blind faith in the Oracle when he could pass off his own agenda as Tarath's. It's because the wreath is also the embodiment of Tarath's trust. If Tarath's trust fails, so does the crown. It has happened a long time ago, the Oracle had not respected Tarath's will and the wreath had withered. The former oracle had been exiled from Elen and the Orym had to wait until the next celebration of life to regain a new Oracle.
— Chapter 3 of The Everglowing Adventure, Trynsys

The Oracle and the Communion Wreath

This work is extracted from the Book of Social Science, chapter on Oracle

The Communion Wreath is an artifact as old as the Oryms, it was made from the leaves of the branch that gave life to the Oryms. The leaves of the crown change their colour according to the seasons and the emotions of Tarath. It also allows its wearer, the Oracle, to communicate with the tree. The Oracle is the spiritual leader of Elen, he is the envoy of Tarath among the Oryms. On the Choosing Day, the Oracle is chosen by Tarath through the Communion Wreath. All Oryms whom, during the Celebration of Life, have had a vision with Tarath can try to wear the wreath. If Tarath has made his choice, the leaves of the crown begin to glow and the Orym that is chosen becomes the new Oracle.
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Cover image: by Anastasia Romanova


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